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Wongfoo 2003

When will we see something new of the world of shweiky or of 2032?


This is such a great reboot...obviously am crazy about the captured stud but also love the detailing and lighting of the scene. I'm a big fan of the more natural muscular builds of your recent posts but this one in particular. Hope that we see him displayed with another hiker. It would also be great to see the story of how he got himself in this predicament.


Oh!...it would also be super sweet to see a short camera pan/zoom animation of this very scene :)


Hi Wongfoo, probably later this month, or early next month. Still have some work to do. Thanks for your patience :)


Hi Cando, I'm so glad you like him, and I appreciate you noticing the extra attention I've put into the lighting and camera angles. This was originally based on a story from studsinstone.com


This actually will be really time consuming, rendering the glass objects takes forever. So unfortunately it's not really practical. I might do a short clip once the glass is raised on the final result :)