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Out of all my old and more recent work, which character has the best body in you opinion, and which has the most attractive face.

Very curious to see who you like most :)



U personally love the stud in look in to my eyes


But to be honest you make all you guys so hot



Wongfoo 2003

My favorite is David from the 'World of Shweiky'. Followed by the guy who has an 'online-hypno-session'. Third is Bram, as we saw him at the 'gallery exhibition'.


Collin !!!


Collin is definitely one of your hottest subjects, both previous and current version, although I think the current version is better with that hair. Jonathon is cute as hell, and I like this version of David better than the first. My personal favorite though is Peter from the ManMannequins, Inc. series (wish you had done more with that storyline; LOVE the concept of men volunteering to be turned into plastic mannequins). There is something about him that makes him stand out in my mind. Kinda hoped he somehow ended up in this household ;-)


For best face I would pick Walter from The Bear Gallery. I have to say that the body of the muscle-bear in The Hiker Remake is fantastic. That the guy as well as the professor in Payback are a leap up in how the proportions, musculature and hair are rendered; particularly I like how the beard now has highlights and is not just jet black. Finally, slightly off-topic: would love to see (for diversity sake) both an older and/or beefier version of this Hiker body type ;)


Thank you so much for noticing the improvements in the characters - I always try to find ways of making my characters look better and more realistic - skin, body shape, face, hair, poses, and expressions - it is a delicate process improving each of them just a little bit - but the final render looks so much better in the end. Lighting also plays a major role. You can have the best characters, but if the lighting is bad it will look flat and not appealing. By beefier, you mean chubby? or even more muscle?