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"Hoooow long was I out, David? I'm so horny... ahh it's so bright in here" Collin asked with a yawn, while stroking his cock. His eyes still closed.

"ah-ah-ah.. Did I say you can play with your dick?" Giovanni said to Collin.

Collin was startled by the unfamiliar voice and opened his eyes.

"What the... Who are you?! David!" Collin turned to Giovanni hold his naked master.

"James, please restrain him." Giovanni asked.

James grabbed Collin, who just realized he was standing behind him, and tried to restrain him.

"Wha... James?! You're unfrozen... What's going on here?! David?? What happened??" Collin was getting very worried and tried to fight James off.

"Relax stud, we're just having a little experiment. You'll be back in dreamland in no time". Giovanni smiled and turned to David.

"Put him to sleep, David!" Giovanni ordered and held David close by, talking to his ear.

"Collin..." David looked at Collin, conflict in his eyes.

"David! Don't do it! Kick his ass!" Collin called and reached out his hand to David, almost touching him.

David rose his arm towards Collin. Giovanni grabbed him tightly.

"He's.... strong... Gonna... zap... HIM..." James called out as he struggled holding Collin.

"NO! NOT YET!" Giovanni insisted.

"PUT COLLIN TO SLEEP DAVID!" Giovanni yelled and pointed to Collin who was almost free of James' hold.

"NO DAVID! DON'T DO IT!" Collin cried out.

David looked into Collin's eyes...



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