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"Zap him, James. But keep him close" Giovanni asked James who stood before him and David, holding frozen Collin steady of his feet.

"Look, David, it's your favorite pet coming back to life. Or should I say my pet?" Giovanni talked softly into David's ear

David's gaze was fixated on Collin from the moment his magnificent body was dragged into the room.

James took out a small device, similar to the one used by Giovanni moments ago, and jabbed it into Collin's side.

"Be ready!" said Giovanni to James.

Collin's body quickly lost its shine and he came back to life.

Few more moments passed but Collin didn't move.

"Amazing! he's still under the hypnotic trigger David used." Giovanni noted excitedly.

"Just like we thought," James replied.

"David, unfreeze him," Giovanni told David.

"Collin...." David paused.

"Yes, David, you WILL unfreeze Collin as I order you. I control you, and you control your studs. Do you see the equation?" Giovanni repeated.

"Yes. You control me. I will unfreeze Collin.... Collin Unfreeze." David obeyed in a monotonous manner. 

"ahhhhhhhhhh...." Collin stretched. His eyes still closed in ecstasy. James stood close to him.



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