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James walked into the room first and walked towards. He was wearing a tight gray t-shirt that emphasized his muscular torso and arms, black jeans, and red running shoes.

The other man came in after James. He was tall and stocky with black hair and a neat short beard. He wore a checkered button-up shirt, with tailored black pants and dressy shoes.

"It gives me so much pleasure to see him like this," the man said to James as the dark stud circled around the frozen piece of flesh.

"He didn't go down easy, I'll tell you that," James said as he rubbed David's shoulders and chest.

"You'll have your fun with him soon enough James... with all of them," The said with a smile, as he watched James feeling up David all over

The man got closer and examined the device on David's forehead.

"The readings aren't 100% positive, but we can't wait any longer. Bring one while I have a chat with our friend here" the man said.

"Get him ready, I'll be right back" James replied and left the room.

The man removed the device from David's head, and then took out a small instrument from his pocket and jabbed into David's neck.



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