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"Youuuuu.....ahhhh... woooooonnnn.... geeeee...awaaaaaa..." David tried to shout while James grabbed him and threw him to the floor.

"oh I will... just need to finish you off... the rest of the guys here will be a piece of cake. Almost everyone else here are statues...STOP RESISTING!!!" 

James couldn't believe David was still putting a decent fight. He flipped David over, grabbed him from behind and locked him into a sleeper hold.

Holding David tight and looking over David's shoulder he could see David's formidable erection staring right back at him. James wondered if it was because of the poisoned cum in David's bloodstream, or the struggle made David insanely horny. 

"That cock is MINE!" James said and tightened his hold around David's neck.

"GO... TO..... SLEEP...DAVID!" James struggled to hold David in place.

David gasped for air as James' hold was getting tighter.



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