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So here is 2032 - Part 1 - in full. There are some new angles for a couple of scenes.

In this project I try to focus on improving my writing skills. 

I'm by no means a writer, but I'm trying to improve my grammar and story telling techniques. I hope it will be more apparent in the next two parts which I already written and rendered.

Imagining an alternative reality and trying to describe it through the eyes of the characters is challenging for me, nevertheless I enjoy it at least as much as I enjoy creating 3D images.

I would be absolutely thrilled to hear anything you have to say. 

As always, I really appreciate the love and support. You guys are the best!


After the 2031 financial collapse, the US and the rest of the world fell into a long depression, and the markets were not showing any signs of improvement well into 2032. Pressured by the huge monopolies, the new US government issued new laws that would become the nightmare of anyone without very deep pockets that allowed him to sit through the storm.

People in debt would be auctioned out as "companions" - the bill called it, which was a kinder word for "slaves." The tech giants and government co-owned companies worked day and night in developing technologies to accommodate this new "market". The rich people in power had to make sure there won't be another French revolution.


 It was Tuesday morning, and Kevin woke up abruptly from loud knocks on his front door.


"Mr. Richardson..."


"Mr. KEVIN Richardson..."


"JUST A MOMENT... Jesus..." Kevin yelled from his bedroom, he was pissed off.

He grabbed a pair of jeans laying on the chair from last night and put them on. He was going to grab a T-shirt, but the banging started again. Louder this time.


"MR RICHARDSON," the man called again from the hallway.

"Wha the fuck...??" 

He walked out to the small living room, of his tiny basement apartment he was renting. His fists clenched from anger. He reached for the front door and swung it wide open.

"WHAT?? WHAT DO YOU WANT??" He yelled at the man standing outside.

In the doorway stood a large man wearing a pair of blue jeans and a tight tank-top. He was massive, even bigger than Kevin.

"Are you Kevin Richardson sir?" the man asked.

"Yes! for god's sake, it's 7AM. What do you want?"

"oh, I'm sorry, sleeping beauty," said the man sarcastically, "Did I wake you up? You're my third delivery today already" 

"What delivery? I didn't order anything."

"No, no, Mr perky nipples.." he laughed "you got this all backward. YOU are the one who is going to be delivered. Now if you'll just put this little thing here...."

"I think there's some kind of mistake..." Kevin looked confused, he heard something on the news a few weeks ago, but he wasn't connecting all the dots yet.

The man took out a small tablet and read from it to Kevin.

"So you are Kevin Richardson, no mistake here right? And you are 10 months late on your student loan payments, also correct right? and I also see here no pay-check coming in your account for the last 6 months..."

"Yeah, the market is shit. no one can pay for a personal trainer anymore, but I'm getting some clients next week and..."

"Look, buddy, I haven't got all day. I'm here to pick you up for the companion auction next week. Now if you, please put this device behind your ear.."

"FUCK this... I'm not going anywhere. I don't know you". Kevin tried to slam the door, but the man put his foot inside and stopped the door from closing.

"Why can't they come quietly...?," said the man half to himself. He reached to his back pocket and took out a small device that looked like a little orb attached to a ring. He put it on his index finger and aimed it at Kevin.

"WAIT….SHIIIIT." Kevin stepped back, trying to escape from whatever this ring was going to do to him. He stumbled on the living room table and started falling backward.

The man squeezed the ring in his fist, and a bright blue light shone on Kevin for a split second. Kevin's body froze and fell on the table with a loud thud.

"You see Mr. Richardson? Good thing I froze you, or you might have suffered a serious hit from that fall. Until the auction takes place, you're government property, and I could lose my job if you get damaged. Heck, I might end up like you if this happens.."

Kevin did not answer.

"ok, now you're going to be a good little boy, don't you?" The man took out a small chip-like device and placed it behind Kevin's ear. Once the device was in place, it snatched itself to the skin, and small lights lit up on it confirming activation.

The man aimed the ring device at Kevin again and squeezed the trigger. This time a white light shone for a split second, and Kevin came back to life, startled from the sensation of falling down. 

"What just happened? What did you do to m...."

"Companion boot," the man called out, and Kevin felt a sharp zap behind his ear. He reached out for it but halfway through his eyes glazed over, and he stopped. Then he got up from the table and stood at attention, staring blankly into space.

"Kevin, I'm not allowed to take anything out of this apartment other than you. This means not even clothing. Please get undressed." the man ordered, and Kevin followed the orders, quickly removing his jeans and boxers. Once done he resumed his previous position. He stood naked, staring yet again into space.

The man went to the hallway and came back with a trolly cart.

"Kevin, get on the cart." 

Once Kevin was on, the man pointed the ring at him again and squeezed the trigger. Kevin froze again.

"Those are the regulations buddy, it's my neck if you're damaged during delivery. and besides, this new tech is so much better than bubble wrap." He laughed.

The man rolled the cart through the door to the hallway and closed the door behind him. He took out an official form and attached it to the door.



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