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"WHAT?? WHAT DO YOU WANT??" He yelled at the man standing outside.

In the doorway stood a large man wearing a pair of blue jeans and a tight tank-top. He was massive, even bigger than Kevin.

"Are you Kevin Richardson sir?" the man asked.

"Yes! for god's sake, it's 7AM. What do you want?"

"oh I'm sorry sleeping beauty" said the man sarcastically, "Did I wake you up? You're my third delivery today already" 

"What delivery? I didn’t order anything"

"No, no, Mr perky nipples.." he laughed " you got this all backwards. YOU are the one who is going to be delivered. Now if you'll just put this little thing here...."




Just fucking love your work and your imagination . . .

slave scotty

I agree - always wish it was me with the chip behind my ear!!!