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I'm looking for hot ideas for my next short videos. It should be something short - no more then 5 seconds in total. Feel free to leave a comment or send me private message.



Pickedapeck style tied up and milked. His post <a href="https://flipboard.com/@jawoodrn/pickedapeck%3A/a-R4ULGKMSQhKcme4DGomL-g%3Aa%3A17664352-%2F0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://flipboard.com/@jawoodrn/pickedapeck%3A/a-R4ULGKMSQhKcme4DGomL-g%3Aa%3A17664352-%2F0</a>


I think a relatively straight forward idea would be just to have one guy admiring a frozen/statue guy on a rotating platform... would *love* it to be the beefy, redhead from The Bears Gallery series.


How about a mannequin video, maybe even try the transformation scene from your ManMannequins set as video?

Hyoga Honotei

I second the idea of nullifying the guy and then turning into a plastic mannequin


How about Brian from Rock Hard changing as he climaxes?


One of the first stories I found when discovering this kink was <a href="https://www.studsinstone.com/stories/item/80-the-statue-collector" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.studsinstone.com/stories/item/80-the-statue-collector</a> Having an animation of Chuck's final moments, where his head is turned to pewter while blowing the guy transforming him would be phenomenal.


Rocky Horror Movie?