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 Keenan let Walter stand where he was to finish solidifying and cleaned up the work room. When Keenan returned to Walter, he touched him and was rewarded by the unyielding skin and muscle he felt under his fingertips. He rapped on Walter's chest with his knuckles and heard a slightly hollow sound, as though he were knocking on a piece of furniture.  Keenan took a spray can of furniture polish and applied it to Walter’s solidified body. Using a soft cloth, Keenan rubbed the polish into every nook and cranny of Walter's nude body. When he was finished, Walter had the same sheen on his skin as the other Bears on display in the Museum. Keenan took a brush and carefully styled Walter's head and body hair so that it looked luxurious in its curls. "Another masterpiece ready for display," Keenan sighed.    




Will you polish Walter too?


I loved the arc of this story...and Walter has to be one of the best of your specimens! Would be wonderful to see him join the other bears in the Museum...


Walter is the luckiest guy ever. These post inspire me to keep working out so someday I an be as lucky as Walter.


Thanks Cando, it is a great story, I wish I had written it 😉 He will join the other bears in the museum soon enough 🤫


I wish I could turn hot guys like Walter to statues in my museum 😏


I would totally volunteer for you in a heartbeat.