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Are you guys enjoying my works? Are you bored? Do you want to see more of something or different things?

I can't really know if you don't comment, like or send me messages.

Communication and engagement are the number 1 reason I setup this blog (Yes, even before money). I would really appreciate some feedback - good or bad. It's the best way for me to keep motivated and inspired to create and develop my skills.




Loving all of it and have been guilty of not commenting. Will be better in the future.

Alex Lindsay

I love your work - especially your metallic, glossy black and the ones which look like a guy has been encased in glass or clear plastic or rubber. It definitely gets me amped to see you publish a new work and especially love the storytelling. I look forward to supporting at a higher level in the future. Thanks for sharing your work and creativity!


It's nice to see you continuing with one of the story threads you started


Dame I love the clear plastic look you give to a lot of the pics. I think my favourite post was on the old tumbler account, a runner plasticised then stuck on a pole and posed, always enjoy pics where we see them posed or used


Thanks Quentin! I really appreciate your feedback and support 🙏🏻


Thanks Alex! Any support you give is highly appreciated. I also think the glass/plastic material is one of the better and hotter ones I’ve used 😍


I got the hint 😁 I know I skip from story to story, I guess I get bored quickly. I will try to finish some of them 👍


Oh the jogger, oldie but goodie 😊 A remake with hotter models and better materials might be a nice angle. Thanks!


Loving all of your works, I actually like that you jump from story to story... keeps it interesting... just don’t take too long to go back to some. I’d have to say one of my favorites would be one where you had the guy stoned and mounted on the wall as decoration and then a friend came over to enjoy him, it was a two parter in the old tumblr🤓


Medusas and spartans, guys playing with cement, midas condom, petrifaction factory,


Personally I prefer the temporary changes, like in the Project series.


I too enjoy the temporary changes, especially with hand held device. I would enjoy more renderinds from the Project series a


as well as clu


What do you think of some dark stories?such as: kidnap,cut,display,even to be made into a trophy head,hang on the wall


Always love to hear from you, buddy! I know it takes me a lot of time to get back to things - no excuses from my side lol. That work was actually based on a bondage video with a guy tied up and mounted on the wall in the exact same pose.


I know you really like Medusa/fantasy works. I will try to create more of those.


I do too actually. What's your view about consent. Do you like it when it is forced?


Thanks Mark! A lot of folks are waiting for the project. I want it to be really good rework!


I can and did create some dark stories (I really love a good villain). Kidnap is hot IMO, though I'm less interested in dismemberment I have to say. But I'm open to suggestions :)


The story was deceived by a plastic abductor.


Enjoy the stories that accompany the artwork, particularly if it involves a guy trapped in frustration-bliss. 😉


I admit I've been waiting to see some of the previous stories continued or re-rendered like Mine, the Gallery and the Bear Gallery.


Both are defiantly coming soon Vicktor. What else do you want to see?


Thanks! I do try to come up with an interesting situation to accompany the renders of helpless hot models :)

Dave Scott

LOVE your work! I'd love to see The Project continue - and Club Exit es well :)

Dave Scott

Also would love to see more blond guys petrified/plasticized :p


Thanks Dave! I will defiantly continue these at some point :) I hope you're enjoying the other stories as well in the meantime.


Yeah I guess in my "dark strangers" period lol. I should defiantly do some blond guys. Do you like longer hair styles or do you prefer them short?

Dave Scott

Haha nothing wrong with that :p Blondes and gingers just tend to attract me more - but that's a personal thing. Longer/shorter - really doesn't make much difference


Just a suggestion: would love to see some older guys (for example like the bald muscled coach that was hypnotizing guys in the lockerroom on your old Tumblr site) ...and also some guys with a little more "padding" ;) Additionally would love to see some of your previous Tumblr series expanded, including the hypnotized brother (I think that's your avatar?) and the frozen musclemen boxed-up-for-storage series...


Thanks Cando! As you probably noticed I jump between many of my older stories and the new ones. I'll probably return to "In Storage" at some point (or some spin-off of it) as it was one of the more enjoyable projects I did. About the hypnotized brother, I'll need to come up with a story for that, any suggestions? :) About the older/chubbier guys - what can I say, I'm a sucker for muscular studs - I will try to incorporate more "regular" guys though