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<If you wrote this story or know who did, please let me know> 

He wheeled his new acquisition over to the back of the gift shop and passed through the door. Closing it, Keenan locked it and took Walter out of the hamper. He lifted Walter's rigid body and set him against a long metal table. Keenan reached down and grabbed him by the ankles and pushed Walter onto the table facing up.
Keenan's face reappeared into Walter's field of vision. "Well now, you've probably figured out by now what I'm planning to do with you, so I won't rehash the obvious. What you probably haven't worked out is how. Well, dear Walter, while you were taking your shower, I watched you on a concealed camera as you began to pleasure yourself. While you were doing this, I slowly switched the flow of water to a special wax that looks and feels like water when it's hot. As I dropped the temperature, the wax began to solidify, gradually trapping you in that delicious pose you're
in now. You probably thought that your muscles were cramping up, but you kept right on going. By the time you came, you were already frozen.” Keenan looked at Walter and said, "Now I'm going to finish the process of turning you into one of my waxwork figures. You might feel a little discomfort at first, but then you'll begin to enjoy it immensely as you solidify into art."
Keenan took a small bottle out of his pocket, opened it and dipped a cotton wab into it. He carefully applied it to the piss slit of Walter’s penis. The wax covering that area melted away, exposing the urethra. Keenan then took a plastic tube and inserted it into the opening and slowly fed it into Walter until he could feel it enter his bladder and press against his prostate. Walter began to moan as it lay inside him, the sensation causing him to become aroused again, forgetting his trapped situation.
Keenan took a large syringe and connected it to the tube. Pressing the plunger, a clear liquid could be seen entering the tube and into Walter. When he finished injecting the contents into Walter, Keenan said "In an hour, the liquid will work it's way into your blood system, spreading throughout your body. It's a special serum that will render your beefy body into a type of plastic, preserving you for all eternity."
Walter moaned again.
"Don't worry, you won't die. You'll just enter a state of suspended animation. Your mind will go into a dreamlike state, vaguely aware of only the most basic sensations. Like this." Keenan reached over and tweaked one of Walter's erect nipples. A lustful growl came from Walter's frozen mouth.
"See, you're already accepting your fate. Just another reason why I took care to make sure you and all the other Bears in my collection aren’t harmed. Besides, if I'm ever caught, all I'll ever be charged with is kidnapping, not murder. I'll simply work out a plea bargain by providing the formula to release you all, and be out in no time on good behavior."
Keenan reached over and gave Walter's nipple another pinch. This time there was no reaction. "Looks like you're already solidified enough to release you from your wax shell." Keenan grabbed a large pumpspray bottle and began to apply it generously over Walter's stiff, nude body.  




I love these images, especially showing our plasticized subject from the soles of his feet! Thanks for doing that. I look forward to seeing how this ends!