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<If you wrote this story or know who did, please let me know>

Walter rose up on the balls of his feet, his legs apart and braced against the walls of the shower, his hand still moving over his 12 inch cock. He stared at the shower door, concentrating, focusing his mind on the erotic statues that had so turned him on. He strained himself just a little further, and was rewarded by cumming harder than he ever had before. The semen sprayed onto the frosted glass door, running down slowly towards the drain.
"UUHHHH!" he bellowed as came, his body leaning now stiffly against the shower wall. Walter stood there, his muscles now locked up, his mind swimming in the afterglow of release while the now cold water flowed over him.
After a few moments, Walter's senses returned enough to realize that he still could not move. At first he thought that the cold water had cramped his muscles to the point he could not move, but there was no pain associated with a normal cramp.
Walter struggled to move, but his body was completely locked in his position that he had cum in. He began to panic, not understanding what had happened to him. He considered himself very strong, but no matter how hard he strained, he could not move even a finger. He stood there, frozen in a very erotic pose, with icy cold water spraying over him, chilling him even further, wondering what he was going to do now.
Suddenly, Walter heard noises in his room, a door opening, a change in the airflow, and through his half-closed eyes, he could see a shape moving in front of the frosted glass door. The shower door opened, and a rubber gloved hand reaches in and shut the water off. The door opens completely and Walter can see Keenan standing in front of him smiling.
Walter tried to say something, but his mouth cannot move. All he could do was bemoan his predicament. "Uhhnnn."
Keenan smiled again at Walter and reached in and stroked his frozen body. It was hard and slick. Walter moaned again as Keenan continued to fondle his nude body, paying particular attention to his exposed penis. Some of the moan is from his fear of his lack of control of his situation, but some of it is from the arousal of Keenan’s expert touch.
"Well," Keenan said, "you've picked a good pose to be immobilized in, in fact it's the best one yet. I'll hardly need to make any modifications at all." Walter wondered what he was talking about, when the realization struck him. The waxwork statues in the Museum were real people trapped like him. Some of the poses were now obviously of men frozen in the shower like he was now. And he was going to be added to the collection.
Keenan stopped stroking Walter and walked away. Walter could hear him rummaging around for something. He could now see himself in the bathroom mirror. His nude body looked unnaturally white and waxen. There were areas where the wax was slowly dripping off his body. Keenan returned and reached in a grabbing Walter by the arms, he manhandled Walter’s rigid form out of the shower stall.
Keenan set Walter's bare feet on the bathroom rug and leaned his body against the wall. He then took a towel and wiped the excess wax away from Walter’s naked body. From the top of his head and down to his feet, Keenan passed the cloth over his stiff form. When Keenan was done, Walter could see himself in the mirror.
His body now had a glossy shine to it, as though he had been dipped in plastic several times over and was now trapped in a thick clear shell, making him look like a new toy. His beard and head hair as well as his full body hair were plastered down, the hair shaped into cascading waves across his barrel chest.
Keenan walked out of the bathroom and Walter could hear him pulling something through the door and into his room. Keenan reappeared and took hold of Walter by the arms and maneuvered his frozen body into the room, moving Walter by lifting up one stiff leg, moving it ahead and putting it down again, and then doing likewise with the other leg.
Walter could now see what Keenan had pulled into the room. It was a large laundry hamper on wheels, about 5 feet long with canvas sides that were 3 feet high. Keenan very carefully tipped Walter headfirst into the hamper until all body, except for his bare feet, were inside. Keenan took another bath towel and draped it over his feet.
"Wouldn’t do if someone were to drive by and see your bare feet sticking out of the basket, now would it?" Keenan said to Walter. 



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