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 Sergei took the two man through the hall and upstairs to his workshop.

It was a large space with a lot of machinery and large barrels of liquids. There were also a few separate rooms at the edge of the large room.

The camera-man looked mesmerized by all of the high tech equipment.

They stopped by the door to one of the rooms.

"So you asked about the process of making my art, Bill. Let me show you" Sergei said. Then he opened the door and they came inside.

Inside the medium sized room was a young bodybuilder, apparently unconscious, held in the air by a metal bar rising from a platform on the floor up to his anus. He was perfectly balanced, just floating there minding his own business.

The young stud had an unusually large cock which was attached to a pump, which in turn was a connected to a canister. The canister was filled with white liquid almost to the top.

"Oh fuck..." The camera man immediately started taking some shots of the passed out stud floating alone in the room.

"This young man here is Bram." Sergei introduced him to the two men.

"Bram? that's an unusual name." Said Bill.

"Not at all, it is a very common name in the Netherlands. I bought this one  just outside of Amsterdam. I paid his family a small fortune, and the tax for getting these outside of Europe is outrageous. Don't even mention shipment costs. But it is worth it, look at him. There's hardly any work to be done on this one." 

"He is very handsome, I agree. I love those golden-brown curls" Bill said.

"Ahh yes, but I'm afraid I will need to shave those curls for what I have in plan for him." Sergey smiled.

"What is the canister for?" Bill asked.

"Oh my, it's almost full, give me a minute please." Sergei said.

Sergei released the valve on the pump and pulled it of Bram's cock. 

Bram's cock continued oozing thick white cum which slid down his cock and dripped to the floor.

"Oh fuck, sorry about that" He laughed - "I guess Bram is excited from all the attention".

"Hey I love a free show" The camera man laughed and took some shots. He was getting really horny.

Seeing the camera man excited, Sergei held the pump in one hand and grabbed the throbbing cock in the other - squeezing even more white semen out of it, and smiling to the camera. 

Sergei put the pump and the canister on the cupboard and cleaned Bram's cum from his cock and the floor.

"So where were we? ah yes, the canister. I use the collected cum to create the jets I later attach to the sculptures. I could have created it with other material, but I like the idea it's his own sperm coming out of his frozen cock. Of course, the sperm needs to go through a special solidifying process before I can sculpt it." Sergei explained.

"Very interesting, and he totally unconscious?"

"Well I bet he's having one hell of a dream right now" He answered laughing, "But yes, he is totally out." 

Sergei held up the face of his knocked out bodybuilder.

"Look at his handsome face. He is perfect! Those lush lips.." Sergei pulled down his lower lip.

The camera-man went back to clicking, taking shots from multiple angles.

"Here to a few shots of this" Sergei released Bram's head at it collapsed back to his chest. He then pushed Bram from his thigh sending him spinning like a spinning top along the axis of the pole exiting his ass.

Bram span a few times until finally coming to a halt with his face to the wall and his ass aimed directly at Sergei.

"oh I win!" Sergei laughed and grabbed Bram by his muscular ass, reaching his free hand around him grabbing his still hard cock.

"Holly.. look at that ass" The camera-man couldn't help it, but came back to his senses and continues shooting Sergei pleasuring his trophy.

"ok that's enough for him, I don't want him to make a mess again.." Sergei concluded.

"So how do you manage to pose them? He's like a rag doll.." Bill asked.

"Glad you asked! This is why I developed this pill" He said and pulled a two colored capsule from his pocket. He spun Bram back to face them, grabbed him by his curls to lift his head, opened his mouth and placed the pill on his tongue.

"He doesn't need to swallow, the capsule will dissolve in his mouth and enter his blood stream." He explained and closed Bram's mouth.

"What does the pill does?"

"Two things. As you can see his cock is already getting flaccid, so the pill will make him hard again".

"So it's Viagra..." The camera-man chuckled.

"It also tenses the subject muscles. If you wait a bit for the pill to take effect I will demonstrate."

The three men waited in silence for about three minutes, watching Bram's cock rising again like a pole until it was as full mast once more.

"Excellent! as you can see the cock is completely hard, as well as the rest of him." Sergei lifted Bram's arm and released it - It stayed where he left it.


"Amazing!" The two man stood there amazed.

"Now watch this" Sergei skillfully straightened Bram's back and lifted his left arm to a bicep flex. He then took Bram's right hand and wrapped it around Bram's dick. Finally he lifted Bram's head. Then took a step back and admired his quick work.

"So cool!" Bill said excitedly.

"Obviously this was just for demonstration. I will not have him in this pose.  To make a pose permanent I need to apply the special coating but we're not doing that now. Soon the drug will wear off and he'll turn back to a rag doll."

"Ok, So I better take some quick shots as a souvenir from Bram like this" They all laughed. 



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