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 It was 3 hours before the exhibition opening and Sergei was making some final touch-ups on some of the items he had on display. 

He moved the lights here and there, gave a few statues a nice wipe with a damp cloth to make them shine ever brighter.

It was his first exhibition and only the elite of society were invited to this unusual event. Politicians, rich tech CEOs, Russian oligarchs, and basically everyone who had deep pockets and a desire to spend a fortune on some eccentric over-the-top art.

The doorbell rang and Sergei went to answer.

It was a reporter from the "Times" accompanied by a photographer carrying some equipment.

"Ah Bill, velcome to my gallery, please come in" Sergei said with his unmistakably Russian accent. 

"Thank you Sergei, pleasure to  finally meet you in person, and thanks again for the exclusive." The reporter walked in the gallery.

"So this is it, you're finally opening your exhibition, ha?" He continued.

"Yes, it's been more than 3 years since I started collecting material and now I'm ready to show my art to the world, and maybe sell some of the items..." Sergei laughed.

"Let's first take some photos of you with some of the exhibits. What do you think?" Bill asked

"Of course! since we are in America it only fits to take some photos of my first American statue. I bought him right here, from one of your federal prisons."

Sergei led Bill and the photographer to a large room with only one statue. It was of a naked and muscular man stuck in a peculiar motion, and attached to a small golden base. 

The frozen man had long hair and large erect member. From his urethra was shot a long jet of what looked like frozen cum. He was posed as if trying to run away from his captures. 

Sergei walked up to the statue, and stood next to him. 

"I call this one 'No Escape'" He said as he put his hand around the stud's waist. In his free hand a held the tip of the frozen cum, and smiled at the photographer.

"Beautiful!" the photographer said and started taking some photos.

"How long did it take you to create this piece?" Bill asked.

"Well it took me 6 months from the moment he was sent over from the prison." Sergei answered as he walked over to the other side of the frozen man, grabbing him by the ass and circling his finger around his nipple.

"Oh this is super hot!" The camera-man continued to take shots.

"You see, the material I got from the prison did not look like what you see in front of you. He was much more skinny, many tattoos, terrible skin. I spent a lot of time and resources to get him looking like this. You would not have recognized him" Sergei explained.

"He defiantly looks like a super model." Bill agreed.

"You do look like a super model, don't you stud?" Sergei whispered to the statue and kissed him, forcing his tongue to the open mouth of the male trophy.

The photographer was shooting like crazy.

"Is it true he can feel everything?" Bill asked.

"Well as I see it statues don't feel, and it's a 'it', not 'he'" Sergei replied.

"I understand, but off the record?" Bill insisted.

"If you insist... Yes, he can feel everything. Actually the sensation is amplified. He's currently having multiple orgasms just by me playing with his nipples. He is quite horny, you see, and will be kept like this for a very long time".

"Incredible work, truly!" Bill applauded.

"Let's move on. What can you tell us about the process of making these amazing pieces?"



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