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 “Oh my god! Is this reversible? Is he dead?” Someone asked

“Of course not. It’s totally reversible. I waited for the demonstration to unfreeze Nate. I bet he’ll be happy to take a breath after two months in my closet”. The class laughed.

I leaned Nate against the wall, took out my handheld device and pointed it at Nate.

I pressed the button and in 2 seconds Nate came back to life, along with his cum which splashed across the floor. Nate collapsed on the wall taking his cock with his left hand.

“ahhhhhhh” he moaned and shot a huge load forward, hitting one of the desks in the front row, and then a second load, and a third..

“Oh my gooooooood.. What the fuck?!?” He continued to moan and the Professor gave me a look saying “Do something!!!”

“Holly shit! Sorry about all this, let me just…” I adjusted the device pointed it at Nate and pressed the button”

“No wait, ahhhhh…” Nate looked at me with begging eyes  “let me fin….” He went silent and turned to the same marble statue he was a minute ago.

 “Sorry about all of this guys” I turned back to the class “didn’t think it will be that… you know.. intense”.

“Are you kidding me?!” Said one of Nate’s buddies “That was fucking incredible”. He started clapping his hand and the rest of the class joined him. The professor as well.

When the cheering calmed down I’ve asked if there were any questions.

“So, can you unfreeze only a part of him?” asked one of the students.

“Yes, this is possible” I’ve reconfigured the device, aimed it at Nate’s genitals and pressed the button.

Nate’s cock unfroze but the rest of him stayed frozen. His cock was leaking cum slowly. It seems the cock wasn’t enough to shoot full load.

“Does it only changes to marble?” asked another.

“Actually just last week I perfected the recipe for metals, specifically copper. I think I can demonstrate, but first I’ll need to change Nate back to flesh”

I pressed the button and now all of Nate came back to life as his dick. He collapsed to his knees and started cumming again, even harder then before.

“oh fuck, ohh fuck” he moaned as he continued shooting.

“Sorry man, one more time.. “ I said to Nate as I adjusted the device.

“Come on man plea…” 

Nate was now a bronze statue on his knees.

The entire auditorium cheered… 



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