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Hey y'all sorry for being less active online this month. My CPAP machine busted at the end of August and has been giving me issues while I sleep. It has been over two weeks since I shipped it for repairs and I fear that it may take another two more weeks for me to get it back. It has been very difficult sleeping without it. My sleep apnea has been acting up which has me feeling physically drained all day and I keep falling asleep if I'm not active for more than a minute or two. 

This past week I started biting my tongue in my sleep which is a new symptom for my sleep apnea. It has left my tongue very tender there for difficult to chew or swallow food. Honestly it had really killed my apatite because I didn't want to go through that pain. I'm just lucky that I was able to record my latest upload before the biting started... 

Two days ago I got myself a snoring mouth guard which has stopped the biting and I have been able to sleep a slightly better. I know it's not a permanent solution but it will have to do for now until I get my CPAP back. 



Hope they get it back to you soon. When my machine needed repairs they gave me a temporary one, was that not an option? Sorry you're going through that!


Sorry to hear that hope the get you that machine soon.