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As the semester came to an end and the weather began to get hotter throughout mid-May. The entire football team was invited to Coach Brooks’ place to kick off the summer with a bang. This was the perfect excuse for Jase to display his perfectly sculpted physique at the pool party that he had developed from all the hard work and dedication he had put on the field. Wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses and a tight blue speedo, he leaves little to the imagination as he shows off his ripped muscles and a very beefy ass. While the rest of the team was enjoying themselves in the pool, Jase decided to lay face down to work on his tan. When suddenly he feels a strong firm hand smacking on his right butt cheek. Making it bounce from the sheer force causing a small ripple despite the amount of firm muscle he has on his backside.

“Damn Jase, why are you just laying around man?” asked Victor, “As much as I enjoy watching you get your tan on you got to live a little! Come join the rest of us at the pool or at least have a bite of the awesome burgers the guys cooked for the team. There’s also plenty of beer and BBQ for everyone to have a good time.”

As he was turning around Jase can’t help but take a quick glance at the Kicker’s snug shorts. He can clearly tell that Victor’s member was indeed enjoying the view and Jase was more than happy to relieve that pent up energy once they went to his place after the party.

“Yeah I know… I just want to make sure that I even out my farmer's tan,” Jase half lied. In truth he wanted to give some eye-candy to some of the boys like Victor. “I am pretty excited for this upcoming season,’ Jase said as he was getting up, “I heard that Coach Brooks got some major news for us once all the guys showed up. I guess that’s why he hasn’t come out from his house yet.”

As he finished chatting with Victor, Jase couldn’t help but feel like there was a cold stare on him. He couldn’t pin point from where exactly it was coming from but he decided to ignore it and sip some beer while he mingled with the rest of the players as they stuffed their faces with ribs and chips. As much as he would love to eat all that fattening food, he didn’t want to ruin his figure. Standing at 6’2 and 195 pounds of lean muscle he still had to be careful what went inside his mouth. Despite the amount of rigorous training for the football player, he always craved all sorts of foods but he prides himself on being the most athletic guy on the team. The other players admire his dedication and strive to be like him. While others envied him and hoped that one day his overdue freshman 15 would catch him by surprise one of these days.

Once everyone had arrived, Coach Brooks finally squeezed out from the back door. As he lumbered his large frame next to the projector it started showcasing the team's highlights from last year's football season. ‘Funny,’ Jase thought to himself, ‘I don’t remember Coach Brooks being this big before.’ As he recalled Coach Brooks was in peak condition the last time he saw him. It was in January where they were the first ones to finish in the 5K marathon. Now he looks like he has an over inflated beach ball and two large mounds of man tits underneath his maroon polo shirt. His khaki shorts look like a second skin on his massive thighs. ‘Man I feel sorry for the fat sack,’ Jase trial on, ‘I can’t blame him though. Having the Dean breathing down your neck 24/7 just for the team not making it to the playoffs would take a toll on you. I eat too if I am put under that much stress. Must be the reason why he’s packed on so much weight.’

Coach Brooks finally began to speak after he finished huffing and puffing from the little movement that he did. “Gents, I have some good news, some bad news and even greater news for you all tonight,” he began, “The good news is that today we celebrate your accomplishments you have made so far, and to begin a new season in a positive light!”

We watched a montage of all the games we had this year on the projector screen. There was cheering and hollering for each tackle, interception, touchdown and field goal that was made. Giving each other pats on the backs for a job well done. Jase wasn’t certain if it was the cheap beer or the projector screen but he was starting to feel a bit light headed. The screen was very bright and it occasionally flashed some colorful effects. Even with his shades on it was still a bit too much. He didn’t understand why it was so flashy this time around because last year’s video was very simple and straight to the point. Jase believed Coach Brooks must’ve gotten some nerdy tech guy from the math department to work on this year’s presentation or something.

“And here comes the bad news,” Brooks went on, “ I will be stepping down as your head coach starting today.” There was complete silence in the pool. “But the great news is in order for us to make it to the playoffs the school has brought in a new member to our team, Coach Colten.”

As if on queue, Jase immediately felt the familiar cold stare from the muscular man appearing next to Coach Brooks. His stature was very similar to Jase’s but Colton’s features made him look like he was from a fitness magazine. Standing next to one another you can really tell how massive Coach Brooks has let himself go. It’s hard to believe he is no longer going to make the big decisions for the team anymore.

“Thanks, big guy I’ll take it from here,” as he pats the top shelf of Brooks’ belly, “Hello boys, I am pleased to finally meet you all in person and to lead the team to victory.” There was a calmness to his voice, along with a serious tone that matched his menacing gaze. “From now on I’ll be making major improvements for the team if we want to win every game. In the meantime tonight we are here to drink, eat and have a good time because starting Monday is when the real training begins.” Everyone cheered and the party carried on as each player went for more food and beer.


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