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Hey ya'll! I hope you guys are having a safe and  fattening weekend. Just want to say thank you so much for supporting me in my weight gain journey. I couldn't have gained so much without your help. Before I get the FAQs I want to address what is  been happening lately in the US. Through out the country citizens are peacefully protesting on the abuse of power the Law Enforcement. Many innocent lives have been taken away from their loved ones just because they are of darker skin. They are not thugs, rioters, or looters... and I find it very disturbing that the police have been getting away with all sorts of criminal things for a very long time. Here's a link if you want to help. Also go vote on the next upcoming elections.


What does your family/friends think about your weight gain?

I really don't care what my family thinks about my body. In the beginning they were joking about my weight gain but than it shifted to concerns after I gained over 100 lbs.  Now I've gained over 200 lbs now and their thoughts and vanity hasn't affected me one bit. They have tried to do a "family dieting" so my feelings wouldn't get hurt.  Yet those attempt never work. I know they don't work because I've tried "family dieting" with them when I was skinny and fit. 

Do you miss your old body?

I do not one bit. The reasons why I had that frame was because I thought it would fix my insecurities and other problems. I achieved the "six pack bod" but I was miserable. I developed Anorexia and Bulimia for several years because of it. I am much more happier with my body now.

What does it feel like being that size?

It is one heck of an amazing feeling I can give you that. My body takes up so much space now. Each step that I take, my body bounces and jiggles all over the place. I will admit that I get a boner when dick rubs against my fat.

Are you going to go for 500s, 600s lbs etc? Immobility?

Imma say the same thing when I got asked "are you going for 300s or 400s?" I don't know haha I really don't have a body goal. I love the sensation of having a full belly and eating delicious foods. I don't like the idea of immobility. I will stop when my body tells me I had enough fun with gaining.

Do you meet with feeders/encouragers often?

Not really because of my location. There are some locals but I don't think I can anymore. Last guy I met, his place smelled of body odor and cat piss. I wish I was lying but that really killed it for me with locals. (He may read this and to which I am sorry you had to find out about it like this.)

Do you like being teased?

Teasing doesn't thrill me like it used to. Some guys like to get off to teasing and good for them. Whatever floats your boat.  I prefer positive reinforcement. I worked really hard to achieve this body! Not to get called a disgusting slob or I'm still too skinny.  Also teasing me about health problems is never cute.

 What does being a gainer mean to you? 

I really enjoyed the journey of adding fat to my body. All those trips to the buffet, the multiple trips to the drive-thrus or the late night snacks.  Chugging calorific gainer shakes that would out stretch my stomach beyond discomfort.  Body fat is  a very beautiful thing. I wish more people would appreciate it. In the gaining community I love to hear others achieving their body goals. It brings me more joy that I inspires others to gain more weight. I became a gainer because now I am happy with my body.



This is beautiful! Good to see the shout out against police brutality and racism. Also it's so nice to hear you love your body as much as we do. It's been fun being a small part/observer if your gaining journey and it's an inspiration. I just stocked up on gainer shake supplies so I think I'll have one now 😉