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Hello everyone! This weekend's post is going to be a huge one, with   almost a hundred pages... This story fascinates me so much that I  wanted  to explore many aspects of the domination relationship between  Athena  and Bain, all while not forgetting that it's a "growth story."  So let's  first talk about the content: the relationship between the two  lovers  continues to deepen in every sense of the word. We're far from  the early  pages where the young Canadian engineer was sightseeing to  spend his  dollars on poor girls... The context has changed  significantly. I hope  you'll enjoy the way I'm developing this  relationship with all the  details. It's a daily work that takes a lot  of time, so much that I  couldn't publish everything I had planned for  today because the  dialogues also take time. So the second and third  illustration photos will be part of the  next episode. Remember... a  gigantic insane party... in Thailand, so  obviously...
Now, let's talk about the format. For those of you "Above Basic Tier,"  you will receive a private message with the code to open the  file  that will be posted on Saturday at 8:00 PM CET. In  case of any issues,  please contact me via private message. This  solution is temporary, as  I'll put a more sophisticated one in place  for the next episode




The under water scene was incredible. The long tongue OMG. Perfection.


Her design is truly "goddesslike", pun intended.