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John Dujardin was a successful writer. After the pandemic he sold his penthouse in Boston and decided to look for another place, where he can find quietness and inspiration. By chance he was advised by a friend of a place to rent in Portland, on the other side of the continent. It was a beautiful and large architect house close to a lake. He decided to stay there for a few months.

He had everything he could ever want, but he was always missing something. He was looking for inspiration for his next great novel, and he was hoping to find it in the quiet and peaceful surroundings of his home. He was so excited he decided to move there without his mobile phone, intending to buy a new one after a week thre, hoping it would help him to focus on writing. He bought as much food and wine as he can in a local grocery and ventured in the green.

Reaching the house was not so difficult but he had to cross many rivers bed. His little Suzuki 4wd easily crossed the beds but the rivers were only 20cm height.

After 3 hours of drive, he finally arrived. The house was just perfect.

However, as fate would have it, the moment he turned the key at his new abode, heavy rains began to pour. At his surprise, it didn't stop and when he woke up the day after, it was still raining.  It stopped after 5 days.  It would be called as the "heavyest rain of the century¨ but the immediate issue was making the forest impassable. John was now stuck in his new house, isolated from the rest of the world with no neighbours or other signs of life within miles of his location.

At first, John was excited to be in the peace and quiet of the forest, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the occasional raindrops tapping on his roof. However, as the days passed, the isolation began to take its toll on him. He would spend hours staring out the window, watching the rain and the trees sway in the wind, wondering if anyone would come to his rescue. He was starting to feel like he was the only person left on earth.

The isolation was making him feel lonely, and the silence was deafening. He found himself talking to himself, just to hear the sound of a human voice. He was constantly looking for anything that would distract him from the monotony of his surroundings. He tried reading, writing, and even started a collection of insects and rocks, but nothing could shake off the feelings of loneliness that haunted him day and night.

The heavy rains continued to pour. By chance  John's food and water supply wasn't starting to run low. However he started to panic, wondering if he would be stuck in the forest forever. The thought of dying alone, without ever seeing his friends or family again, filled him with dread.

Days turned into weeks, and John was starting to lose hope. The isolation was taking a toll on his mental state, and he was starting to feel like he was going mad. He was desperate for human interaction, for someone to talk to, for someone to rescue him from the lonely wilderness.

One day, while he was taking a walk by the lake, he saw a woman who was running. She was tall, muscular, with blue eyes, tanned skin, and blond hair. She was wearing a black outfit that showcased her muscular body, making her attractive and bold.

She noticed him but didn't stop and he saw her disappearing away.

John went back home, excited to know that there was someone living not far away. He decided to explore the surrounding the day after .

At 9am he was ready to leave the house and decided to go north. There were many paths, most of them unused, some very clean and obviously regulary maintained., but all of them were inondated.

Where was she ? Sometimes he would stop walking just to listen but except for the birds, there was no sign of life around.

The day after he decided to go west. He knew that the lake was going larger there so he hoped this would be maybe where he can find some settlments.

After a 4 hours of walk, he was about to going back when he heard some noise in the lake. He decided to have a closer look and cross the bushes.

She didn't noticed him or at least she didn't look into his direction.

John remained crouched in the bushes, watching the sublime creature swimming in the lake. She swam a hundred meters of crawl one way, then a hundred meters of butterfly breaststroke. He couldn't tell how long he has been there, starring at her, but probably more than an hour and he noticed that he was erect. He had always liked young women, but rather small and certainly not athletic. He liked obedient and feminine women and this woman seemed to be the opposite. But she was the only one around.

As his knees hurt, he decided to change his position but a branch on the ground cracked under his weight. It seemed to him then that she had noticed him and he crouched down even more. After about ten minutes, he stood up and slowly backed away. His heart beat was so loud he thought she could hear it. Then he found the small path and on the way to his house, and he thought that he was behaving like a teenager.


John went back home and opened the best whisky he had. His mind was puzzled. After a couple of glasses of the 15 years old Balvenie he has been keeping away from his friends for a while, he started to feel a bit calmer.

The next morning, he left even earlier but when he arrived at the same place, she was already there swimming. The woman was a sight to behold as she swam through the crystal-clear lake, her body rippling with muscle definition. Her broad shoulders and chiseled arms propelled her through the water with ease, while her sculpted abs and powerful legs kicked up waves in her wake.

She moved with a fluid grace that belied her immense strength, her body perfectly sculpted by years of hard work and dedication to her training. Her toned biceps flexed as she stroked through the water, her back muscles rippling with every movement.

Her skin gleamed in the morning sunlight, tanned and smooth, highlighting the contours of her impressive physique. Her hair was blond and light, , leaving her face clear as she breathed rhythmically through each stroke.

As she swam, she seemed at one with the water, gliding effortlessly through its depths. Her confidence and athleticism were palpable, inspiring those who watched to push themselves to greater heights. She was a true vision of strength and power, a force to be reckoned with in any arena. Then she noticed him.


Part 2

The woman noticed him on the shore, watching her as she swam through the lake. She paused mid-stroke, treading water as she studied him.

John didn't know what to do. He was like trapped by her. It would have been ridiculous to leave so he just stayed there, a bit ashamed.

Without breaking eye contact with John, she resumed her swimming, moving towards him with purposeful strokes. As she neared the shore, she climbed out of the water, her muscles rippling with every movement.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice confident and steady.

As the woman walked towards John, she noticed that he looked embarrassed and uncomfortable. She could tell that he was feeling ashamed of being caught watching her exercise.

She could also see that he was hesitant to speak, as if he didn't know what to say. The woman recognized that he must have been staring at her for quite some time, and it made her feel uneasy.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," John said, breaking the silence. "I didn't mean to stare."

The woman could sense the genuine apology in his voice, but she couldn't help feeling uneasy. She wasn't sure how to respond.

"It's okay," she replied. "But it's not appropriate to stare. I don't appreciate being objectified."

John looked even more embarrassed. "I understand. I'm sorry."

The woman sighed.  "It's fine," she said, her tone softer now. "But please don't make a habit of staring at people."

John nodded, looking relieved. "I won't. I promise."

John hesitated, then spoke up. "I was just admiring your form. You're incredibly strong and impressive."

The woman smiled, feeling a surge of pride. "Thank you. I work hard to stay in shape. What's your name ? "

"John, John Dujardin"

"Oh, the writer ? "

"Yes, that's me".

" You look different on TV, a bit bigger and bolder. And taller too".

John was about to respond but saw that she was looking at his pants and the obvious bump visible under his jogging pants. She smiled to his embarassment.

She approached and without him being able to react, grabbed his cock through his pants.

" At least you have one muscle here, although a little bit tiny for me."

She continued to massage his cock, staring into John's eyes, and the movements of her hand became faster and faster, and John, still immobile, felt his cock grow. Then suddenly she stopped and went back to the lake, leaving John in a state of excitement he had never known.

"Enough for today she said, finish the job yourself !"

As she walked away, he couldn't help but be amazed by her muscular physique.

He watched as her broad shoulders and toned arms moved with purpose, her chiseled abs rippling as she walked. The woman's powerful legs strode forward with ease, her calves and thighs defined and muscular.

Despite his embarrassment, John found himself drawn to the woman's beauty and strength. He was captivated by the way she moved, the power and grace in her every step.

As the woman reached the lake, she dove back into the water with a powerful stroke, sending ripples across the surface. John watched in awe, feeling a mix of admiration and envy for the woman's athleticism and physique but above all, the biggest hard-on he ever had in his life.





Should this continue ?


Definitely! I'm curious what methods of training will be used on the writer. Each of us dreams to be alone under the full control of a beautiful amazon goddess!