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Hi guys, 

Saturday 8 pm I'll post a 42 pages story called "Change of Control" the aim is to explain a bit what's going on when EOA take control of a company.That for Tier above $5 as usuual. I'm quite happy with the result, the tone is different, it's more like really a kind of cuckold thing...check and you'll see

Today 8pm CET a muddy post. You'll enjoy it. I was lloking to lear how I can add mudd because I need this to a longer story I'll tell you later.

It's pretty erotic. I'm sure you'll enoy. Also for the fans, Victoria will be there. You've met her in the "Adults Only resorts". There is also a new character who looks really human.

Also if you haven't done it yet please reply to the 2 previous poll. IT's IMPORTANT !

Enjoy ! comments welcome !!




The new character is amazing and beautiful