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Greetings to all,

Quick update. This weekend, I shall unveil the continuation of "Les Femmes." I am pondering a potential change in title, though, given the context of the tale, it lends a touch of exoticism. As for the initial segment of this narrative, feedback has been sparse. Truth be told, it has been a rather quiet week in terms of comments, messages, and engagement. Perhaps it is due to my cessation of updates on DeviantArt, in part.

  • However, I am perplexed as to why those who recently subscribed and are entitled to receive complimentary stories do not avail themselves of this privilege...hey folks, wake up!

Well, I know I didn't keep you updated last week, but I was swamped with my real-life commitments.

Now, circling back to our initial topic, the latest comic— I've received some positive feedback, yet some have mentioned that the pacing was too leisurely. I concur. The deliberate pace of this first part was intended to set the stage and meticulously outline how things would unravel.

However, brace yourselves, for the sequel will be much more briskly paced.

I've also spent a great deal of time perfecting certain scenes, especially focusing on the lighting. Here, I present a few images for your viewing pleasure. I hope the final result resonates with you as much as it does with me.

So, this weekend, I'll be releasing Part 2, comprising approximately 70 pages. Thank you for your loyalty!


The seemingly perfect couple, Jacques and Famke, have just experienced an event in Part 1 that will shake their lives. The encounter with the dominant blonde will unfold in this second part and gradually take overwhelming proportions in Jacques and Famke's relationship.

But that's not all. Famke's career as a model is taking off, and she's increasingly absent. Jacques, on the other hand, is diligently finishing his architecture studies, patiently waiting for his fiancée in dreary Switzerland. In truth, Famke now leads a double life—part of her time spent on the runways, and the rest in Belgium with Tara, who introduces her to the delights of male submission.

Without a hint of suspicion, Jacques observes the gradual changes in his fiancée, but everything will escalate when, noticed by the EOA, Famke becomes one of their main models. From then on, it's no longer in Brussels that the center of gravity shifts, but to Amsterdam, the headquarters of the EOA. And where does Jacques fit into all of this? Jacques will find himself completely objectified, first coerced against his will, then loaned out, then sold...but hush, let us not reveal too much.





Expecting a good story .