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Hello Everybody! I have some big announcements for you today! ~

The game is green-lit!

I'm pleased to announce that initial planning and concept art is underway for The BIG Royal Rivalry WG Visual Novel! In the survey there was an overwhelming positive response to the idea and I'm really excited. 

The game will start you off at the same starting point of the comic's story but from there your decisions will... weigh heavily... on either yourself or others in the story! Play from either Lady Yummy or Lady Amelia's side! Romance your favorite side characters! Become a glutton yourself, or play as an 'architect' and work on the other ladies' waist lines. 🤭 Replay your favorite scenes from the comic and all new ones with different paths unfolding. Win the hearts, minds, and bellies of the girls, become a harem-feeding-dominatrix, or just enjoy some feeding sessions~

There is still a large gap between where we are and required funding but I can't help but at least get some concept art done and continue planning as I fund raise.

New goals!

I've added mini-goals to the Patreon! These goals, when met, will allow me to create up to 8 pages of The BIG Royal Rivalry comic per month! I'm very ready and able to meet this page volume with my previously mentioned hired help. I will keep pushing on my social media and hope to be able to raise the needed support!

New Tiers to support comic page goals & development!

I have updated my $10 tier to be focused on supporting and receiving development updates on the game! The tier has all the same art access benefits as my $5 tier along with the game updates and game teaser art. So if you are already on my $5 tier but want to add some more support towards the comic page goals and the funding needed to really kick off full development please consider upgrading!

[There are also $20 & $50 tiers that at this time are purely for those who want to support even more.]

Aaaand, some draft concept art!

Draft sprites for Lady Yummy, Lady Amelia. Throughout the game, based on your choices, their sprites will be updated to reflect their gains. Yummy has already had a few snacks it seems. 😉

Draft background art for Lady Yummy's room (bed side). Other side of her room has her feeding station— I mean, dining table!

That's it for now! To keep up with teaser art and game updates please consider the new $10 tier! Thank you for all the support!!! ❤️



I am beyond excited! Do you have a vision for the gameplay? I hope there will be some obstacle to overcome to get the girls gaining weight


Hello Hello! I absolutely have a vision on the art, script, story etc. Gameplay wise, I would say a lot of it relies on conversations and choices you make in them to push the narrative in the direction you want. As the game is a visual novel gameplay is on the lighter side but I do want to have mini-games related to stuffing others and yourself, of-course. There will be obstacles to overcome to getting your favorite girls fattened up! 😊 There's a lot to experiment with and I'm dedicated to making it really fun, and 'fun' 😉


I couldn't ask for any more. Mini games sound brilliant. I think you have the beginnings of something great here


If you need an artist for bonus art or something I can help !


Sorry Volga I missed this comment! That sounds like a lot of fun and I'd love to feature bonus art or something in the game! I'll definitely reach out when things are further along, it'll be a while though. Thank you so much for being a huge fan and for that Lady Yummy fan art you did ❤️❤️❤️