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Hey~ I've got a special Yummy announcement to make! As you know, I work diligently to bring us all cute chubby girls. I started doing this over a year ago to enrich our little community and to create the sort of art I love! But I can’t help myself, I always want to create more and more! Unfortunately, even working as much and as hard as I do I am not able to do everything I really want to do! So I set out to build up a little studio!

I have been working hard the last few months to find the right artists who can help me to create amazing art for us. Today, I’m happy to showcase the first enhanced page of Royal Rivalry! With the help of some extra hands I was able to really raise up the visuals and hit the right style I’m aiming for, and all in color!

One of the primary reasons I wanted to do this was to bring Royal Rivalry into color and breathe more life into it. The characters are really important to me and I really want to do them justice!

There is of-course wages to pay for these extra hands. At present I do not earn enough to sustain long-term but that hasn’t stopped me before. I’m paying the extra artists from my savings currently. I am going to continue to grind and try to grow my patreon here to get to a level where I can keep growing as an artist and my studio! Thank you so much for being a part of the driving force for my work and supporting me to create!

With the extra help in tow I believe my little-fat Yummy Studio will be able to bring out some truly amazing content! I will of-course be still drawing lots but also taking on this extra role as a ‘creative director’. Hoping to blow you away with more awesome art soon!

❤️ Yummy