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"Ayaka, seen as a model of perfection for her people, has put down the sword and picked up the fork to quell the civil war. The women of Inazuma follow in her heavy footsteps and grow their traditionally slim bodies. The land is now known for their women who are as cute as snow as they are fluffy like a pillow. With the barrier removed by the Raiden Shogun who is now too focused on expanding her curves instead of her rule, travel to the region has never been lively with the news spreading across all of Teyvat. The other region’s women are taking notice of their nation's men's true taste and adapting accordingly..." 😉

Looks like Ayaka can put some good use to that fan and her cryo abilities to cool off 🥰

Thanks again for another month of your Large+ support!!! ❤️ You deserve 5* chubbies on every wish~



Marko Sallmen

i hope she looks like this on the rerune