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Disclaimer: I don’t own Highschool DxD.

Is This the Part Where It Gets Serious?

Joshua was fairly sure he was ready for what he was about to try, which is to say Senjutsu. He’d done what Shed wanted and learned Ancient Egypt just to read the scroll. It had been… not fun, but it wasn’t the worst thing ever, probably thanks to the system. If not for that latter one, Joshua was sure it’d taken him literal years to read the thing. Hell, why the god thought it was a good idea was beyond him, since he wasn’t supposed to know that he could learn it that fast.

If there was one thing Joshua was sure of though, it was that the Egyptian Pantheon wanted something from him. He was positive there was a reason for all the little things Shed did that concerned him. It just didn’t seem to all be whims, not at all. It might have started as just Shed too, but once Nephthys joined, it became more likely that the others would join. On top of that there were the goddess’s words when she gave him her blessing. There was something going on. Shed was trying to do something and Joshua didn’t know what.

Pulling out the Charm from his pocket, he looked at it for a moment.

“... I like you, Shed, don’t do something stupid,” he mumbled. It was rather blunt of him to address the deity like that, but he wanted to be clear. If something happened, he wouldn’t just let the god play the innocent card on him.

Fortunately it seemed that Shed wasn’t very insulted. If anything, the feeling he got from it was of calm reassurance. A look towards Cheshire told Joshua that it was just business as normal. With a sigh, he placed the Charm back in his pocket. ‘Maybe I’m just paranoid or something,’ he mused before looking at the scroll he’d set next to him.

Focusing back to what he was actually trying to do, Joshua went over what he’d studied about Senjutsu so far. It was a complex thing, really, with different ways to go about it doing different things. The general path seemed simple enough though, and he was about to tackle the first step. A step that involved taking his own life energy and just circulating it through his body.

Now, life energy was already in his body, and it was already circulating on its own. The way of using Senjutsu he was going to attempt wasn’t about making it go a different way or anything like that. Instead, it was about giving it a nudge in the same direction it was already going. His life energy was supposed to circulate as it was, but he’d be pushing just the smallest bit faster.

It was more complicated than it sounded though, since the smallest mistake, the nudge in the slightest wrong direction, could affect him negatively. Not cripplingly so, but it would if he failed too badly. Which wasn’t likely, but even if it wouldn’t damage his life energy and him too much, a mistake would still be bad, with emphasis.

Thus, he sat on the ground, as he would whenever he meditated, and just focused on sensing his life energy for a while. He wanted to get a good look at it, to know it well. Eventually though, he gave his life energy the smallest push he could. When nothing bad happened, he continued carefully, slowly working on it.

It was… an interesting experience. When he pushed too much, he’d feel giddy and full of energy, like he was on a sugar high or something of the sort. If he slowed down, it was like the energy was drained from him and leaving him exhausted, even if it wasn’t the case. A curious thing to go through while simply sitting down, that was for sure.

Eventually though he stopped, taking a deep breath in and pulling his focus away from the flow of his very life. Letting that breath out, he opened his eyes. Predictably, he was met with screens. A little more unpredictable was what one of those screens said.

[Skill Unlocked: Life Concentration]

[Stat Unlocked: Life]

‘I unlocked a Stat? That was even possible?’ He thought, eyes wide as he looked at the second screen. That was certainly not something he’d seen coming, that was for sure. ‘That’s interesting. Now I do wonder if I can unlock others… Focus, man, Status.’

[Joshua Davis

Title: The Professor

Race: Human

Strength: 72

Speed: 68

Dexterity: 69

Vitality: 79

Perception: 67

Magic: 108

Life: 15]

‘What even is the difference between Vitality and Life?’ he had to wonder as he looked at his changed screen. ‘Low number, but certainly higher than the others were when I started,’ Joshua noticed then, wondering why that was the case. ‘Is it due to my other physical stats being higher? Did that affect my life energy, raising it to level fifteen?’ That would make sense, he supposed. If that was the case then, why was it at fifteen and not higher? ‘Questions without answers suck…’

Curiously, he called for the same screen, but differently.

[Joshua Davis

Title: Ward Specialist

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Rank: C+

Strength: C+

Speed: C+

Dexterity: C+

Vitality: B-

Perception: C+

Magic: B

Life: E]

‘... Did the new stat bring down my rank? It was B- the last time I checked… But why? What changed? Wait, this comes from Appraisal so…’ Joshua mused, before turning to look at Cheshire. Sure enough…

[Life: C]

‘Why is hers C ranked? It’s not an average, since her all around rank is C+... Weird, very, very weird,’ Joshua thought to himself, almost feeling a headache coming his way. Maybe it’d be better to just… not give it that much thought. The system worked in weird ways more often than not, so it was better to just roll with the punches. ‘And that’s what I’ll do. Now, Life Concentration,’ he called, finally deciding to check his new skill.

[Life Concentration - Lvl 1/50

Determines the user’s ability to concentrate and boost their life energy.

Increases Life growth speed by 1%.]

‘Ah, so Physical Conditioning but for Life, that makes sense,’ Joshua mused as he considered that. He’d definitely be putting a lot of work on that. First, because he really wanted his rank to go back to B-, not only because it felt awful to lose his progress like that, but also because he didn’t know when Cheshire and Nagini would evolve again, and he really didn’t want to be left behind by his familiars. That would suck.

There was also the fact that it would certainly help a lot, really. Senjutsu would, after all, become a very useful tool in his arsenal eventually. It was a very powerful art, he knew, and while it was mostly a youkai one, he could use it. Thus, he would take it as far as he could possibly do so.

‘Why is it that the petty reason is the one that motivates me the most?’ he thought with a wry smile. Morag, who had been jumping around, took a leap to his side and patted him comfortingly with her leg. “Thanks, girl,” he told her out loud while returning the patting.


“I’m very sorry, Mizuno-san,” Joshua apologized with a grimace of a smile as he bowed to the woman at his cafe’s table. “If there’s anything I can do to make up for this, just let me know. Everything on the menu is free too. It’s the least I can do.”

“Joshua, I’ve told you,” the woman replied with a kind smile that reassured him the smallest bit. “You don’t have to trouble yourself over it. My daughter has told me about him, so it wasn’t all that unexpected, and I know the kind of man you are. You don’t have to worry, I won’t make trouble for you.”

“Still, I hired him, so it’s my responsibility,” Joshua insisted stubbornly. “At least let me do something for you, yes?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say no to another drink and something to eat with it,” Mizuno told him, smiling a little wider, seeming amused at his actions. “And, if it helps, my daughter has told me that he hasn’t been as bad as he was before. Not sure if that’s true or not.”

“Believe me, it is,” Joshua replied with a wry smile. “There’s a lot of room for improvement though, as you saw.”

“So, it seems. Now, I don’t want to occupy too much of your time. Go along, Joshua,” Mizuno told him, patting his arm reassuringly. “And it would take something much worse than that to make me stop coming here. This has to be the best cafe in town as it is.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Mizuno-san. I’ll have your order ready as soon as I can,” Joshua told her, bowing once more before walking away. Once he turned his back on the client, his smile turned into a scowl. The person it was directed at, meanwhile, paled and started sweating nervously.

Good. The fucking idiot deserved it.

“I’m sorry,” Hyoudou said instantly once Joshua stood in front of him, bowing deeply to make his point. “I just… I couldn’t help it. I didn’t think it was that bad at the time.”

“Hyoudou, I don’t think you can bring up a woman’s boobs in polite conversation without it being a bad thing. At least not if they don’t first or something,” Joshua told him, bringing a hand up to massage the bridge of his nose. He had barely started the conversation and he was already having a headache. “Just… don’t ever do that while you are working… or at all. Ok?”

“Yes, Joshua-sensei,” his employee said instantly, bowing again and making him sigh.

“You need more work than I thought you would, and that’s saying something,” he commented, making the boy flinch. Maybe it was mean of him, but Joshua thought it was a good thing. Even if Hyoudou didn’t like hearing it, it would drive the point across much better if he didn’t sugarcoat things. “You are lucky that Jeanne has been telling me that you are doing… somewhat better at school.”

“I know, I…” Hyoudou started, before growing embarrassed. As he usually did, the boy started scratching the back of his head, looking to the side in embarrassment. “I’ve been trying to do as she tells me. She dragged a few girls from the Kendo club into it too… They are much more… Physical when they have to correct stuff though.” And he obviously wasn’t a fan, if his expression was anything to go by.

“Maybe I’ll have to start smacking you whenever you slip too,” Joshua mused, making the boy pale. “As it is, I’ll be nice and just tell you. If you make a mistake twice though, don’t expect me to keep to that.”

“Yes, Joshua-sensei,” he exclaimed, bowing once more. It was getting really old really quick, at least in Joshua’s opinion. “I… Thank you, for giving me a chance.”

“... Everyone deserves a chance, Hyoudou,” Joshua told him with a wry smile. He’d been given another chance at life. As far as he was concerned, the least he could do was give the boy one too. Especially because he knew he wanted the chance and he was trying. “It’s up to you what you do with it though.”

“I’ll do my best,” he promised, and Joshua could see the determination in his eyes. That was another reason he was bothering putting up with the boy. There was potential there, he just needed someone on his corner to help him. Joshua would be that person even if it was supremely frustrating.

“I know you will,” Joshua said with a smile before taking the boy by his shoulder. “Now come on, we have an apology order to make and you can bet that you’ll help me with it. It’s your mistake we are apologizing for, after all.”

“I’m fine with that,” the boy replied, beaming at him. Maybe there really was still hope for Hyoudou to be decent. Time would tell.


[Agnes Waterhouse]

She looked through the paperwork that the Board had passed through to her and, as she did, she couldn’t help but grin. First, because deciding to leave most of the more annoying parts of leading a magical association to the people under her had been truly a stroke of genius. And second because extending a hand to Joshua Davis had been another on much the same level, if not better.

In the first place, it was something that had earned House of Water, the association that her family had cared for through several generations, a major boost in the magic community. The other associations really wanted what they had and had been willing to compromise quite a bit to get some of their members in Davis’s class. From there, Agnes herself had milked those stuffy bastards for all they were worth.

Grauzauberer thought they were the best around, just because they’d been founded a little earlier than her own organization and because they had Mephisto Pheles himself at the head, even when he didn’t get involved all that often. Golden Dawn thought they were hot stuff because their founders had been hot shots. And yet, those two and several others had to swallow their pride and ask her to allow their members to attend a class given at her institution.

She’d had to make a serious effort not to cackle in their faces. Would have served them right after all the times they’d looked down on her and her association just because they had a somewhat shady start. In the end though, she contented herself with just asking almost criminally high prices for their students to attend Davis’s classes. Almost being the operative word, since it meant the others couldn’t very well refuse.

Furthermore, Agnes had a feeling that the next time Davis gave a course at her institution, she’d need to ask for even higher ones. The man was just entirely too giving to be a magician, honestly, which checked out with the fact that he was self taught and hadn’t really been introduced correctly to their community. It worked well for Agnes but she’d probably have to tell him eventually. It wouldn’t do for someone else to take advantage of his naivety. The fact that it would probably earn her some goodwill to do so was a mere coincidence, she swore.

She’d probably have to, regrettably, do so soon too. The last time she’d personally talked to the man, he’d seemed pretty open to teaching more classes, after all. It wouldn’t do to let things continue without telling the man. That could only lead to trouble.

Moreover, it’d probably upset some of her patrons, Nephthys in particular. As a magical association that wasn’t quite up there with the big ones, House of Water had had to search patrons to support them in unlikely places. One such case had been the Egyptian Pantheon, one that usually kept to themselves. They stayed out of conflicts with other factions and generally stayed out of politics altogether. This was, first of all, because their faith was one that had taken quite the hit in their following, which had dramatically lowered their power compared to others.

Even in the supernatural world, the Egyptians weren’t all that present anymore. Slowly, it was like they were vanishing from the world. It had been a worrying thought for Agnes, really, since they were people that had always helped her association when they needed it. Now though, things were changing.

She was fairly sure they wanted to make a champion out of Joshua Davis. To make a representative that wouldn’t endanger them while also bringing in the faith they were losing. It was a bit of a gamble, but when you were down, all you had left to do was to go big or go home. Agnes knew a thing or two about that. For her and for the Pantheon though, it seemed that things were looking up.

A knock on the door distracted her from the papers on the desk and her own thoughts.

“Come in,” she replied, loud enough that her voice would reach through the door. If her secretary had let someone pass through to her door, it was likely that they were important enough she’d have to listen to them, if not want to. The latter case turned out to be the case, sadly, and Agnes suppressed a groan. “Elizabeth.”

“Agnes,” the woman with short hair as black as her own, or even darker, replied with a stiff nod. There was no lost love between them and they both knew it. They had to deal with each other though, because they were basically the two highest ranked magicians in the association. Agnes was sure that if she weren’t a descendant of the founder, things would have been much more complicated to decide which of them would be Director. “I hear your pet project is doing well.”

“More than well, I’d say,” Agnes said, feeling just a touch smug and not afraid to let it show. “I told you that Joshua Davis would be someone worth the attention.”

“Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day,” Elizabeth replied dismissively, making one of Agnes’s eyebrows twitch. “I guess I’ll have to meet the man. See for myself what all the fuss is about. To think that even the other associations would degrade themselves for him, there must be something there.”

“Be careful, Elizabeth, this could be a great thing for us. If you ruin it…” Agnes told her fellow magician. She just needed half a reason to kick her out if she could. Elizabeth was very fond of the kind of magic that Agnes wanted to keep far, far away from her association. Fortunately, the woman knew how to be discreet about such things, but a single slip could destroy years, decades, even centuries of work. “Don’t ruin it, or you won’t have the time to regret it.”

“When have I failed at anything, Waterhouse?” the woman asked, smirking at her.

“... Be very careful, Báthory,” Agnes hissed in warning.



“Hello hello~” Serafall sing-sang as she skipped inside the room and Kunou sighed. “What are we working on today?” she asked, taking a seat in front of Joshua and her and tilting her head. “Anything interesting?”

“Kunou is still working on her fox people cards,” Joshua replied, writing something down on his notes before looking up. “And I’ve been working on a normal set of cards.”

“And when will all of us be able to play a game with them?” Serafall asked, resting her chin on her palms. “Are there magical girl cards? Devil cards?”

“I mean…” Joshua started, before pausing, narrowing his eyes and turning towards Kunou. She, in turn, did much the same and shared a long look with her dad before she grinned and he nodded. “Yeah, there’ll be. Might need some help with those so-“

“Of course I’ll help!” Serafall replied instantly, beaming and almost vibrating where she sat. Kunou wasn’t too happy with that but it wasn’t like she could tell her no, sadly. “Just say the word and we can get started!”

“I’m sure, but we want to finish these sets and a few more first, so we’ll have a better idea of what we are doing. I promise those two will be the first new ones after the ones we’ve already started though,” Joshua said with a slight smile. Kunou, for her part, was starting to feel progressively more upset as the seconds went by. “Did you need something or…?”

“Oh, I came to talk with Yasaka, actually,” Serafall told them before pouting. That was a slight relief, Kunou supposed, but it wasn’t much. “They told me she’s busy though, so I decided to drop by for a visit in the meantime.”

“Well, it’s always nice to have you around,” Joshua told her, his grin widening. “And Margalo likes you too, so there’s that,” he added, looking as the aforementioned bird flew from somewhere in the room to the Satan’s shoulder… And Kunou had liked her before, the traitor. “I’m sure she’d love to hear more plans for the show,” he commented with a chuckle as his familiar chirped cheerfully.

“Oh, I like you too, Mar-tan,” Serafal greeted, rubbing her cheek against the bird’s. Deciding to be childish for once, Kunou chose that moment to do something and tugged at his dad’s sleeve. Then, Joshua blinked and turned to look at her. She pouted at him, hoping that he wouldn’t guess the real reason why she was doing that and would do his usual thing and go for something else. Like thinking she was looking for attention or something. Which wouldn’t be entirely wrong, Kunou supposed.


“I… I’m not sure how to make this card actually look like,” she mumbled, coming up with that on the fly. Fortunately, even though Joshua looked disbelieving about that, he didn’t draw attention to it.

“I mean, I think that design works, don’t you? Maybe a little change in the clothes colors? No, I know. Why don’t we change it more drastically when the effect activates? Like, an aura, or longer, wilder hair.”

“Or both,” the girl mumbled, going back to her happy, grinning self. It had nothing to do with the fact that Serafall was now distracted with a conversation with Margalo. No, sir, and whoever said otherwise was a lying liar.

It wasn’t that Kunou disliked the Satan, really. It was just… Well,  she was almost sure that Serafall liked Joshua and she didn’t want the woman to get ahead of her own mother. What if they got together and then her mother didn’t go for Joshua? That would single handedly destroy all the dreams of a perfect family that Kunou had. Sure, it wouldn’t ever really be perfect, she supposed, but it would be the next best thing and that was enough for her.

However, Serafall was a danger to that. The worst part was that Kunou couldn’t really do anything about that but hope. Hope that maybe her mother wouldn’t wait until it was too late. She understood what Yasaka was saying about Joshua, she truly did and in a way she agreed, but still… What if she waited for too long?

“Ah, Serafall, sorry for the wait,” her mother said as she entered the room, as if summoned by Kunou’s thoughts. “Kunou, Joshua, I hope you are doing well?”

“Yeah, I only had to tell Kunou to do her homework before projects once,” Joshua commented with a smirk, drawing a groan from her. The meanie didn’t need to tell her mother that. Stupid Joshua. At least her mother seemed more amused than disappointed about that, giggling behind her hand. Or maybe it was because of Joshua, Kunou could only hope.

“Yasaka, I came to talk about that thing from last time,” Serafall said, talking in that way that they did when either Kunou or Joshua were in the room. Secret politicking, the man called it every time, rolling his eyes as he did at that very moment.

“Ah, I had guessed. I’m sure it can wait for a moment, right?”

“Hm, I wouldn’t mind, I was having a nice conversation with Margalo here,” the Satan said, which was a little strange, Kunou thought. They usually went straight to business, probably to be done with it. “We were going to ask Joshua something, actually, do you-?” Before she could finish the question though, Joshua’s phone rang, which was a rare occurrence, all things considered.

“... Give me a second, ok?” the man asked, after a single look at the screen before standing up. Once he’d taken a few steps away from the table he answered, facing away. “Griselda,” he greeted, and Kunou narrowed her eyes. She knew of the woman but it was very little, really. However, she couldn’t help but fear the worst in that regard. “What kind of favor?” the man asked then, and Kunou could almost hear the frown on his face before he brought a hand up to massage his temple. “Ok, I’ll… Sure, I'll meet you guys so you can explain this better.”

When Kunou turned for a moment, she saw both her mother and Serafall with their heads slightly tilted and eyes narrowed the smallest bit. ‘Hm, maybe Serafall isn’t so bad?’ she wondered, directing towards the two much the same expression they were giving Joshua at that moment. It seemed that the little girl had things to consider.

[} Chapter End {]

Hey guys! How’s it going?

Well, I literally have nothing to say about this right now.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Discord Link: discord.gg/UTDransjJZ

Random Question: Do you have anything to say about the chapter?

See you.



I've been rooting for the Yasaka/Joshua ship for a while now... and last chapter you asked what relationship we would want to see. I commented then that the Multi/Harem option would work but has barely any foundation... and now you've gone and written this. Now we see that Yasaka and Serafall are similar enough in mannerisms, good friends despite political tensions and both have a mutual interest in Joshua (romantically). And to top it all off, you have Kunou, pseudo-daughter, thinking that Serafall might be alright. Harem ship just had some more work done. Then again, you are writing a fanfiction based on a universe where Harem's are a natural, normal and accepted part of the supernatural, a universe that is at it's base Ecchi/borderline hentai. So it would be only natural to write towards the harem route. Either way, looking forward to more.

Joaquin Cisterna

Tiene una base para el harem sólida a mostrado las bases de las relaciones con las distintas mujeres y no abría problemas de continuidad como en otras historias que después de 2 a 3 capítulos hay otra mujer encuentro que asta el momento está muy bien la historia


So while this chapter was interesting and gave some insight into things like how Issei is doing and the reason the Egyptians seem invested in Joshua. It also kinda reinforces what I said in my comment on the previous chapter, the Yasaka Joshua ship seems more fueled by Kunou than anything else. By having the last part of this chapter done from Kunou's pov it feels like it frames any potential relationship is due to her, which while not inherently bad does make the relationship seem hollow. Personally I think it would have been better from that one servant(can't remember her name but she seems to be assigned to Joshua) so that most of the same information could've been dispensed to the reader but with the added perspective of someone who isn't trying to benefit hugely from their "champion" entering into a relationship with Joshua.


Is good. Very fun. Thumbs up.