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hey fellas,

so after finishing the preggo dragon Nerd wip, I'm taking a little break. Nothing bad, just literally got 2 teeth extracted today.
I've been working while the anesthesia lasts but it's wearing off so I gotta take it easy now. 

And no worries, they weren't essential teeth. Since I was 18 or so I had like an extra pair of lower premolars for some reason. They never caused any issue and grew normally besides my 1st and 2nd premolars (on the inside part). But recently one of them got a cavity and it might have also caused a nearby tooth to get one (it gets really difficult to clean properly). So it was time for them to go.

so yeah, literally starting to feel the pain, peko. it suuuuuuuuuuuuucks
gonna take it easy for the next 2 days, then back to work. Sadly, I won't be able to finish the dragon Nerd for the festivititties but hey, it's the whole year so why not.

Anyways, how have you been fellas? I hope you liked the recent works I've done.

Thank you so much for the support this month. It's been difficult for me, for different reasons. But I appreciate it a lot, y'all sticking with me always puts a smile on my face.

Cheers and happy chinese new year!!!



I feel your pain, Coffee. I’m going to get my teeth extracted in the coming months, too


Is the Priscilla animation still in progress or has that been scrapped? Haven't heard anything about it for a while