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Hey y'all,

Thanks for the kind messages on the last post. It's been rough but I've been finding working makes it easier and even distracts me a bit from getting sad. A day at a time.

So! I've been working non-stop on the animation ('cept for this halloween Nerd pic) so I'm gonna pause for a bit and do some sketches and celshaded quick pieces. Also sketch some Cynthia stuff >:)

No worries, will still work on it, just need to get other stuff out. Otherwise, my content would be a biiiit to barren and boring. Hope you guys like what I'd cook :)

Cheers, and thanks again.



Take whatever time you need to mourn the loss, my family had to put down our dog back in June after 17 years of her being in our lives, so I get the pain

Rick Francis K

Your dedication towards us horny preggo-hungry people is admirable, even at these trying times 🫂 . We'll wait and keep supporting you nevertheless, hoping for the T H I C C E S T milking babes from you n_n 🤍🤍🤍🤍


Tomate tu tiempo, y ojo con tu salud, que bien importante es


no worries so take your time i say, loss of family is never easy but we all get through it one day at a time as best we can, so best to ya with things and here's to the best to ya