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Heya folks!

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and support! The previous suggestion form received around 368(!!!) entries (counting repeated/multiple entries too). Even culling the repeated entries, that's still a lot!

So to make it a bit easier for me AND fairer for your candidates, I've decided to implemente a tournament-ish system:

  • Out of all the entries, 25 have been chosen. You can vote for multiple entries. The final result for the next round will be the top 10.
  • Out of this top 10, you will be able to multivote. And the top 5 will be our candidates for the final poll.
  • On this final poll, you'll be able to only vote for one of the candidates. And that's how we'll get our final lady.

So without further ado, happy voting!
(Also 5USD+ patrons get a double vote too! WAW)

P.S.: For the folks that asked for Cynthia, you guys, I'm already having something planned with her. Don't worry.


Christopher Waters

A Peach and Daisy duo set would be crazy. You must be a little bored with Nintendo lawyers after you all the time though. Haha.


Maybe one day I'll be able to get a Yoko picture.


Man I’m never gonna see a Preg yoruichi with these numbers. Instead of votes, I just wish coffee would put names on a spinner and see which character gets it cause the voting method is saying it’s never gonna happen with how often we get these polls.