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Heya fellas!

First thing first: apologies for the lack of updates and slow posting. There's been busy days, a failed move (plus renegotiating my current place) and plethora of other stuff (that got me down and sad but I'm okay now!). With that being said, I think I went a bit unhinged this month with the tums, you guys.

Anyways, been a while since there was an update on this here place. And here you have it, some updates + would love your feedback too :)

1. We're almost at the finish line for my OCs all getting pregnant in some form. I hope you have liked the pics. Something in my brain clicked and I just went for it 👁.  What's your fave so far and what do you think of them all?

2. After this I still need to draw the mini progression for the poll's 3rd winner! Haven't forgotten her, no worries fellas!

3. I've been using a new schedule for my drawing process plus some changes to my own life. Hey, I'm trying to workout every day and finish work by 5pm. I feel suprisingly more healthy!

4. I am travelling in a couple of months! End of september to be precise, visiting wife's family! Which lead us to some planning!

5. How are you liking the recent content? I do really wanna know, because the next part might be influenced by your comments on it!


By the last week of september I'll be out for like a week, so I wanna get some stuff done (as well recoup some of the costs of the trip). So I was planing the next content till then.

  • First of all, I'm planning on opening commissions around the last days of June/early July. Just 3 spots, 2 for patrons, 1 for outsiders. So if you're interested, get your ideas ready >:)
  • After that I wanna focus on a little animation project. Something more complex and a bit of a test run. There will be lots of growth tho!
  • If things go as planned, with that knowledge, I wanna try my hand with Cynthia. Since she and Zelda went toe to toe and she lost for a sliver, I want at least get y'all Cynthia lovers something back :)

Of course, in-between those, I plan to do some pics and such. Maybe taking some suggestions from y'all for a quick pic. That's all the planning in mind before the trip. After that, the gates for the next progression poll will open. Again, you guys decide the next lady :)

And that's most of the stuff that's going on and will happen in the next weeks. Up next now, Omega Nerd 👁

Thank you all for sticking with me, for your patience on my slow progress. There will be more stuff! Don't forget to leave some feedback, it helps me a lot to find the sweet spot of what you guys want to see and what I want to draw :)

See y'all later!



You've been doing great so far, keep it up!


But I want more Huge! Those were really good

icy mcCoolName

Shame about the failed move, hope the people involved are at least being courteous in their dealings with ya! Great to hear you're finding a work life balance that suits you! All your OC content is fun, especially since you're clearly having a blast drawing them too! Personally I like Roomie, she's a nice blend of genre savvy and actual hotness. Not bad, just drawn that way~


You're doing an amazing job with that last pic Super impressed


For favorites of the recent bunch, it's honestly a tossup between Tsunat and Nerd for me; on one hand, the sheer size of Nerd, along with her expression and the accompanying text, not to mention the lighting and the atmosphere... Oh man. And on the other, Tsunat's bratty demanding/neediness is great, and having her contrasted with her partner (also done incredibly well) just really drives home that I love seeing that shortstack any chance I can. As for how the recent content has been - well, I know what I signed up for, and I'm getting it in spades! It's been such a treat to see how much you've progressed in your art over time, and your consistent strides in improving yourself and learning new techniques. The fact that we've been spoiled with such excellent hyper art from you has, to me, just been the icing on the absolute cake that you've provided. Also also, I'm incredibly excited for a chance at a comm, I'll have to narrow down my list of desired characters now that I can have a chance at seeing them from you. Keep up the excellent work!


It post before I was finished typing so I am sorry for the repost. My favourite out of the OC, would be a tie between Warm up and Roomie. Both OC are always nice to see. I really like seeing Warm up finally go hyper preg. ( Though her normal preg is always nice. ) Whilst it nice to see Roomie finally be involved in this sort of action but it was a surprise to see the size differences. I like how the boob were bigger then the belly. I like recent Nerd art as well but seeing Warm up and Roomie due to the rarity of you doing the art of them made me like their art more. Tsunat art was ok, her being so small took through a loop but I'm happy other like it and see her again was awesome Out side of the recent OC art. I really enjoy both the Zelda arts and surprising the Melony art with the last art looking like she was really bigger due to the framing of it. Seeing more art Hyper Preg in your style is really nice as well as sexual posses like the Zelda art being much more butt focus at the end is really nice see. It clear you can very much do a multitude of different focuses within your style which keep it unique. Though I will always say focus on the thing you enjoy / makes your life easier most. In general, comparing let say the Zelda progression to the Samus ones. It clear you have improved massively even though you art was already really good. I always excited to see what comes next, especially with the Cynthia art though I would say don't rush that out. I think it would be nice to only have one progression per year. So for this year it was Zelda and now that it finished. You can work on other art but also slowly chip away on the progression of next the year. So then when you do want to release it. Its mostly done and your are not rushing and worry to get it to out.

Medulla Oblongthota

Loving the recent set, though Nerd has been an easy favorite. Big tall lady + pregnified = a much needed scratch for the itch in my brain. Honestly, if I were to ask for anything or make any sort of commentary, it would be this: don’t hold back, unleash the fullness of your power onto this world. Make her large like it’s the last thing you’ll do, and then look out on a grateful and take your rest. Go crazy; go insane, even.

Competent Cobana

I think it's no understatement to say that this year may have been your best year of art yet. I've been thoroughly blown away by everything, and I gotta say the hyper sizes you've done have been exceptionally wonderful. At the end of the day though, draw what makes you happy, and I look forward to all the stuff you have planned, especially Cynthia and the massive Nerd.

Nob Flyder

Big women good u draw big woman good pregnant good


It's all been ace material, no worries. Kind of a tossup between Nerd and Warmup for my fave.


More pregnant, less fat. That's what I like to see :V


1) The Tsunat and huge!Nerd pics have been stellar but I think my recent favorites were the pics of Kuroeda, particularly her outfits! I know that might be kinda weird to say because hey, naked booba is great! But seeing her flesh bulging around the edges of her pants or tops and the little creases of skin and fat made where her clothes squeeze her body was extra delicious! 2) Looking forward to the next progression sequence! :D 3) Glad to hear you are still taking care of yourself amidst all the hard work you've been doing to supply with thiccness! 4) Have a pleasant trip! 5) Recent content is great! Love all the plump bodies you keep creating! Honestly if you wanted to do more OC stuff that'd be just fine with me. Nerd is bae :3 Love your work, can't wait to see what comes next!


I love your work, especially the big pregnancy pieces, which makes people feel excited, but this month's oc belly is a little too big, and although I would love to see a plump body pregnant, a belly that is too big to stay on its feet is still a little scary. My favorites are those that, despite their large belly, can be aligned with or slightly larger than their breasts, can be held by their hands and supported with plump thighs with difficulty


My favorite so far is Warmup part 1. Close second is Booba Roomie. I’d love to see one of her with a bigger belly (not really anything else bigger though) and leaking milk more heavily.


You asked for thoughts and feedback right? When it comes to your specific brand of content, I prefer less of a focus on thicc/fat/plush/cushion for the pushin/etc, and more of a focus on straight up pregnancy. Obviously you're gonna draw thicc ladies, that's your thing and that's why we're here, I just PERSONALLY prefer less extra padding and more preggo. That's my content feedback. I don't know enough about art to say anything on actual style beyond that I like your art style


oh it's fine, i just didnt understand the comments, but the specifics make it all clear. thanks!


Coffee it’s great, I love the big preggers OC’s. Makes me want a huge pregnant lover of my own