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chokki fertility goddess 😳



Draegon Manaka

I can’t see the difference between the two. They’re still fantastic though so excellent work!


First one has subtle baby kicking bumps. The second one lacks that.


the THICCNESS of this Dark elf milfshake is amazing~ Also absolutely love the subtle detail on the baby bumps in the A version, they're so small and subtle but I love them, specially the one lower on her belly with how the shading is just ever so slightly darker for that one ❤️

A Man Named Jed

While I'm much more partial to Gonda, this is simply to beautiful to ignore. It feels a little off without Elfuda trying to pick a fight with her though.


Awooga!! Beeg elf tumb! Amazing work coffee!!


I can actually see this, Elfuda and Kuroeda getting into a fight over who's the better fertility body, queue the both of them tie in each in each pic for their sizes as they bump and squish against each other.


Great stuff, Coffee! These mini-pregressions are so the way to go!

Brunosky Inc. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 22:44:10 Absolutely gorgeous mommy soon to be! <3 <3 <3 <3<3
2023-05-20 20:04:07 Absolutely gorgeous mommy soon to be! <3 <3 <3 <3<3

Absolutely gorgeous mommy soon to be! <3 <3 <3 <3<3