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EDIT: With a month I refer to FOUR (4) weeks. Just to clarify. Cuz I'm stoopid.


Hey fellas!

Hope you're all doing well and nice and good stuff all around. Just wanted to write a little update and one more thing.

First of all! The new progression just started, I hope you like what's coming from what I've posted in the WIPs. Lots of effort in this one, I'm even playing the game to get a good grasp on some stuff (as well as suffering through that god awful item durability mechaninc, absolute garbage jfc).

Second, been having some headaches related to how I bite in my sleep. Dentist told me about it so it's like some bad headaches. So work was a bit slow because of it, had to take a bit of a week off and, doc recommended, destress myself. But we're back in action now. If I get a bit delayed, it's cuz the headaches, but I'm solving it soon so no worries!

Third, with some good time management and good health, I hope I get some free time to draw my OCs in Halloween themed costumes. It's always fun so if you have ideas for costumes for each OC, lemme know!

And final thing! There'll be some changes on the tiers. No, not related to pricing (though I have thought about one change in particular related to it but idk), but related to early access:

I'm trying to draw to the best and fastest I can for y'all but still wanna offer more benefits. So was thinking of updating the early access periods so you get more out of 'em.
It'll go like this:

  • Instead of 2 weeks early access for 5USD+ tiers, you'll get to see pics A MONTH earlier;
  • and instead of 1 week early access, 1~3USD tiers will have the release 3 weeks before public release.

Not much of a change to how it's offered, just you guys get to see the pics even earlier. Before making the changes, I'd like to know your feedback on these updates of course.

Thank you once more for your support!
I hope what's coming it's to your liking.

Cheers and stay safe!



So, people in the 1-3 tier will get to see the pics one week after the 5 and up ones?


My brother had that problem of clenching in his sleep. He worea mouth guard to sleep. idk if that helps with the headaches or just keeping your teeth from being damaged from the grinding. Edit: Sources say a good mouth guard does help relieve headaches.


The item durability gets better the further into the game you get and more manageable the more item slots you get.


Yeah you focus on your well being like a good content creator should


Go at the pace you need to go at Coffee! Rest and recover if you need it, we can wait <3


Are we far enough away from the hipster to turn it into a costume? Glad you’re on the road to better health!


Hopefully you'll feel better soon from your headaches. For OC costumes I was thinking of Nerd dressing up as a witch or sorceress and Roomie as a mummy or Mrs Frankenstein.


The need should dress up as a real skimpy witch. An outfit that really shows off her tummy and butt


Maybe even her having sex. I don't think we've ever seen the nerd do that