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GO GO GO send ur suggested girls to the link above!!!

also $10 tier patrons get a lil surprise!


Suggest a character! (December 2021)

What the title says! Your suggestions for the month of gift



My suggestion is tali'zorah, I need my space wife. *I suggested on the link too*


One of these days my suggestion will happen

Fae Rainshade

Mad Moxxi from Borderlands franchise

Naransolongo BB

Always hard to pick a character for these things


I was looking through the Last Orign wiki for ideas and HOO BOY, I forgot just how shameless that game is at creating thicc, scantily clad characters.


Sent my usual thanks for asking each month


I decided to submit “Lumberjane” since the name and weapon made me laugh. It’s not a chainsaw, it’s a set of in-line circular saws. Legitimately charming.


Picking BotW2 Zelda


Hey, Coffee, have you even considered doing a thicc werewolf? Saucy did a few and it looked fantastic

Gob (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-14 00:23:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i6ROv1JKfg&t=2s watch this transformation sequence and see the potential for a wicked pregnancy expansion
2021-12-12 19:32:37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i6ROv1JKfg&t=2s watch this transformation sequence and see the potential for a wicked pregnancy expansion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i6ROv1JKfg&t=2s watch this transformation sequence and see the potential for a wicked pregnancy expansion