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And we're doneeeee.

Thank you all for the support on this experiment (lol). I wasnt really sure you folks were gonna like it. turns out you did!

so of course, i gotta ask if you want me to do more of this kinda stuff in the future. let me know or smth!


im tired lol




The experiment was a huge success! Loved this whole series


This series was amazing, if you want to do more preg/hyper preg series in the future I'm entirely on board.


More Progressions and Hyper in the future definitely when you're wanting and willing to take more swings at both. Always excited to see more excited MILFS to be or actual MILFS.

Fae Rainshade

More stuff like this definitely wouldn't scare me away.

Gran D4rkf4ng

This happened after Metroid Dread. No, I will not be convinced otherwise.


Progression in this field is rather sought after especially when you do it in this sexy manner


Yes. I want you to do more of this


Looking forward to whatever you do next, a full set or otherwise <3


God please yes do more like this in the future

Gran D4rkf4ng

Now make nude alts. >:)


More :)


Moar!! Broodqueen reactivate! :3

Shiny Umbreon

Holy moly yes, absolutely do more of this. Just look at the responses you're getting, we all want it!


I think the experiment is a good success here. You greatly enjoyed the process and, clearly, everyone here enjoyed seeing it (or at least there wasn't vocal opposition which should always be taken as a good sign). I agree with others that whenever you feel up to it that we'd enjoy going through progression like this again, although next time it might be prudent to have a poll/suggestions involved to keep Patrons involved, especially if, as with this one, it'll overtake the usual character polls/suggestions.


More please, and I half suspect most fans would even enjoy a second round with Samus

Brunosky Inc.

Yes please, more! <3


More plz


This was an amazing series, I absolutely love it, here is hoping to see more Broodqueen Samus in the Future


This was awesome to witness! I’d love to see more of this in the future!


Absolutely it was the best!!


more, it was pretty good


This was great, and I think part of that reason was that you were into it. So if you're eve in the mood to do an extended sequence like this again (doesn't just have to be pregnancy related) then I think you've got the blessings of like 99% of your patrons to run wild lol. Oh, but don't neglect your OCs! Draw em whenever, doing whatever you want. Doesn't even need to be lewd, it's just nice to see them from time to time.


Thank you for one of the best pregnancy sequences around. Yes, yes more like this please. The progression after the birth is a very, very important part and elevates this whole sequence. But take a good rest first!


Definately, the long progression is pretty nice! I know it's a lot more work since you need an entirely new picture with each update, but it's so good!!