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hey folks,

sorry for the lack of news and posts here. stuff's been happening. mostly my cat, he's not doing well at all and his condition is still deteriorating. atm we dont know what will happen so i just dont know.

hoping for the best, prepping for the worst, i guess?

on the art side of things, i was prepping more Samus stuff to go along right after finishing Pregnancy Log and welp, real life sucks sometimes.

hard times, hard month, even hard year.

but it'll be done, promise.

apologies again, thank you all for understanding.



No worries man take your time do what you gotta no rush


I'm sorry to hear about your cat's health 😢


Take your time and make sure the little fella is ok, I’m sure we’d all hate if you couldn’t spend more time with someone that brings you so much joy because of work! Either way I can’t wait for more of these superb Samus draws and prayers go out to the little guy 🙏❤️


Take care of yourself your health is more important than the art and spend a good amount of time taking care of yourself and your lil bud. Hoping for the best in his case.


Take all the time you need for the things that really matter. We'll be waiting patiently here.


Rest and be okay. Prioritize yourself before us! I hope the kitty is gonna be okay.

Christian Roman

You will be surprised we all very patient people take the time you need


Take your time homie. Your emotional health is more important


Your family is more important. Much love Coffee, and take care until you get back. No rush ❤


Sending energy to help them get better or help you deal with what ou need to do to help I lost a pet who I cared deeply about recently too. I hope it's not needed but I hope you can be with them whenever the time does come. We are their whole lives so we should be them with them no matter how much it hurts. Family is important fluffy ones a lot too


Do what you need to. We all love your art but sometimes art and work need to take a backseat. Working leatherworking commision I certainly understand.


So sorry to hear about that. I wish you the best of luck with your cat.


Take your time! We understand.


Real life always finds a way to rear its ugly head but hey, when it does you gotta deal with it before anything else. So take all the time you need.