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Hello guys,

So uh. On saturday night my wife started having cramps which later turned real bad (was past midnight, sunday 2 am). It either seemed like a kidney stones or appendicitis. We went to the emergency room. Due to the situation here in Peru with Covid, most state hospitals are either packed or the absolute worst, so we went to a private clinic. Attention was quick, care was neat, all the stuff. But unfortunately also costly.

Long story short, it was appendicitis, surgery got scheduled for sunday morning, hospitalization, etc.

Surgery was a success, she's alright, stayed the day and she's now back home some hours ago (perfect start of a new year of marriage, our anniversary was on August 27th lmao).

On the serious note part: This puts me in a position where I'm gonna be taking care of my lady and all the chores in the house for a bit AND working too (cuz I end up with a 3K~USD debt). So this might slow me a bit. I hope I can still do right by you guys. I don't like taking time off drawing because I feel I fail your cash-money trust in me. This time tho, I ask for you to please understand.

Right now, my focus is on finishing Samus' image set while getting some of the polls ladies done too. I'd like your feedback on this. Again, sorry if there's hiccups. I do have a bunch of stuff in my plate and I'm trying my best.

Thanks for understanding 🙇‍♂️



You got paypal?


We'll be fine, make sure you and your wife are alright <3


Oh my goodness, that must have been incredibly scary. Wishing your wife a speedy and smooth recovery, and I hope things will be stable and safe for the both of you! Take care!


Take your time on helping your wife out man. We can wait

Brunosky Inc.

Oh geez, that's awful! How fortunate that your wife has recovered from that scare. If I may suggest, if you see yourself having the time for it perhaps you could consider commissions or YCHs to help at tackling that debt. Good luck Coffee. Take care both of you

Rawk Manx

take care of your wife don't worry about art


Take care of you two first! That shit's important, and I wish your wife a speedy recovery!! We can wait for our horny pics for a bit, they're certainly worth the wait anyways!


Good luck to you sir do whatever you gotta


I hope your wife recovers safely and you guys take care


appreciated but you guys already give me money. i can't ask you guys for more lol


Please make sure to take care of yourself and your wife first.

Susie Evans

Just make sure everything works out for you, man


I am willing to wait. Focus on the wife and life. Still support ya.


You could take a month off with payments on and I'd be beyond cool with it. You do a lot. Take the time you need. Pause polls and whatever else might need to be put on hold right now. Long as you're transparent with us you really can't do any wrong (with how you've been acting anyway. Don't start trying to get away with murder now, lol). Don't stress about us. You've fed us enough to last a while.


Sorry to hear this! I hope your wife has a speedy recovery and we don’t mind waiting for things to get better! Keep up the amazing work and we’ll always be there to support you! 🙏

Tanaka yuki

The community is here for you m8 me and many others got no problem pitching in If you need it. Hope your wife recovers quickly


Became a Patron because of this post. Hope you and your wife get past this.


Good luck to your lady and to you! I'd have no problem if you wanted to take time off with payments. If I could give you more money to help out, I would.


I understand my dood. Take care of your girl


Don't worry I'll be fair 3k seems like it could have been a lot worse Sending well wishes


If you need some help feel free to open a donation link, lifes rough and we can all go to help eachother.

Silvia the Lynx

Oh jeez ;w; Glad your wife is gonna be alright >w< Take all the time ya need!


Oh god, I've heard about a bunch of bad stories coming out of Peru thanks to COVID. I'm glad it got treated.


Take care of your lady Coffee, we'll be here to support ya.

Christian Roman

Hope you wife get well soon take your time


Still here to support ya. It's all good, and hope you guys recover safely.

Emi Kasumi

Holy heck, I hope everything turns out alright. Will definitely keep supporting in the mean time <3


i hope the full recovery is clean and uneventful in the negative department. take care of that happy marriage :D


Best wishes to you and your wife. I hope she recovers well.


Ocht that's dreadful. Being sick is bad enough but getting a big bill after it :( If we can throw in a couple of bucks to help post a gofundme link or something.


stay safe and no worries thanks for the update

Mr. Gabit

Take care of your woman my dude, don't worry about us.


Take care of yourself and your wife I hope everything goes well.


I'm so sorry to hear about your wife - and by all means, take care of her first and foremost. Speaking for myself at least, us Patrons absolutely should come second to family and self-care. Take all the time you need, stay safe, and best wishes.


I'm glad you have your priorities straight. You do what you need to do, we'll be here. Well wishes to you both and thanks for delivering the primo content


Take care of your health and your family's health first :)


Hope shes doing good and has a speedy recovery. 😘


Relax. It'll be okay. We understand the situation and would gladly send more cash your way in order to help out


life comes first


Hope things have gotten better. By the way, can we talk on Twitter? I had something to ask!