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hey you guys,

while working on all the samus pics, my wrist started bothering me so imma take tomorrow off for good measure. her 2nd trimester will resume after that.

Please do let me know, what ya think of the progression so far? This is actually my first time doing one so i'll love some feedback!




Take it easy! Let your body rest as much as possible.


take it easy but you doing awesome on samus pics

fank Bob

Get all the rest you need, also, I think the progression is going great!


Take a rest! And I'm loving the progression as well as the end result size!


I love big bellies and Samus and your art so needless to say I'm really enjoying! And take as much time as you need too!

Brunosky Inc.

Wouldn't want ya hurting yourself, so by all means do take that day off As for the sequence? I'm hella loving it! Really looking forward to things getting way bigger!

Rawk Manx

they're looking amazing but be sure to prioritize your health over work!


Take it easy man, give your wrist the rest it needs to keep providing us such great works 💚

Shiny Umbreon

Loving the sequence, especially how the way you have it set up makes the viewer want to see what happens next. We know she's going to get bigger, but we also want to see what she has to say and the situation behind each part of the sequence

Ya boy Hunter

Go ahead and take your rest you deserve it, and loving the pics for it, cant wait to see how much bigger she gets. Will you also do this with other characters your own or other franchises


I love the pregnancy progression. I also look forward to her slowly but surely enjoying being a very prego-MILF. I envy the father responsible for such a healthy batch.


This sequence is really fun so far! Looking forward to the next part after you rest 💖


I am really enjoying and looking forward to the rest! Awesome work!


I can't give like comprehensive artistic feedback but I love it so much it's amazing


You deserve the break. In excited for when it continues. As for the sequence itself, I love pregnancy and I love progression so putting those two things together, I absolutely adore it. Not to mention that you teased a hyper pregnancy end so I'm excited for that as well.

C Nguyen

I actually think that the beginning weeks should be smaller so that the progression is more obvious. Starting out that big already sort of takes away from the end result


Looks great! Take a break! Can't wait to see the rest! I agree with a few others who've said it. First few weeks: smaller. Then it should get more ridiculous after that! So you're on the right track in my book already! Now the REAL fun can begin in the second trimester...!


Very, very high quality Samus progression; sets like these are fantastic and hot


yea make sure to look after yourself, the progression posts are great, would love to see more in the future


I think the sequence is turning out great so far. I know myself and others whom I've talked to are looking forward to the rest of it.


The sequence is absolutely divine and I love every pic. Sequences are like, my absolute jam, pump it into my veins. I *would* say that because she changes clothes so much it's less clear how much she's growing- the same clothes getting tighter and tighter in a sequence really emphasizes the growth. But the variety is also nice. Glad you're taking a break when you need it! Take care of yourself.


Looks fantastic, can't wait to see the rest. Take care of yourself!

Mr. Gabit

Fabulous! I hope to see more like this down the road.


I think you're doing great homie! You deserve a break

Silvia the Lynx

Sounds good! Hope your wrist feels better soon ^^ Also yeah the progression pics so far have been fantastic~

Simone Wolfeh

It's looking great! <3 Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!


Love the Samus pics, and don't fret too much over it, take a day or two and make sure you're fine first.


It's looking great, and take all the time you need!


I quite like it. Draw in moderation, please. I, too, have felt my wrist hurt a lot after using it so often (though for playing video games on my PC instead of drawing since… I can’t).


I love it, I've been anxiously checking Patreon daily for it ~