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fuck it

imma draw the pokemon ladies that are obv gonna win(cuz ofc, you voted for em, gotta still draw the winners!) and I'm also gonna draw some of the other ladies in the poll.

my dumbass put some really obvious winner choices and I think it once more ruined the poll. sorry about that.

so dont worry y'all, imma fix it.



Damn what a nice dude :') legend


We forgive you, sensei.

Naransolongo BB

is k. Sometimes something is just too popular


You da best 💓


rigged elections ftw again! mwahahahahaa


Wicke is great!

Shiny Umbreon

For a second I thought you meant anthro pokemon ladies and I was like BE STILL MY HEART


Bless you!


Yoruichi should of been obvious, but I guess a lot of people have not seen Bleach


you awesome man - looking forward to Risky? ;)

cool dude

Thanks for this! I see a really common trend in "What to draw" polls that there's always one really obvious winner, usually from something super popular, and any time someone from that shows up, it gets heavily voted for. I don't really get it myself, nor do I have an easy solution. :/