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hey folks, sorry for kinda radio silence these days.

1. fun thing: so I spent most of the weekend redoing all my ethernet cabling. Wife and I pulled our weight real well and we did some amazing organizing. BUT it took almost two days and well. I've been pretty much completely disconnected from everything. Ngl, it kinda felt pretty good not being stuck at my chair all day.

2. not so fun thing: After the fact, I got a REALLY nasty of case of "idk what this is, the flu, stomach bug or did I get The Cough™???". Stomach went pretty much kaput at all times yesterday and today at the wee hours of the morning. I'm better now but I feel I have lost everything that was inside me, so I'm taking it easy for today. I WAS DRAWING SOMETHING, STOMACH. COME ON.

so yeah, handyman chores and sickness. I haven't forgotten Kashino you guys. Or more pics to do.

Recently I've been doing more animation but I've seen a bit of folks not as happy with the change into getting into more moving stuff and such. so the question is:

Do y'all like the switch I've done into animating? I know they ain't the best but if you're here supporting me, you must have because of something and right now I'm not sure if animations were what you subscribe here for. Do you see them as added value? Or do you prefer only the rendered pics I do?
Please let me know.

And that's it. Hope y'all are doing better than me right now lol




I love everything you do, animations are difficult and time consuming but you’ve crushed them so far. Keep up the awesome work!❤️

Sasha Hoshikawa

I speak for myself when saying I absolutely love your animations, and then new Nerd one looks very promising. Thank you for giving us your wonderfully thicc arts


I've also been animating lately so it's been a big help seeing your process and steps!


I think the animations are added value for sure. The render pic are a lot of work and the fact that you are also trying your hand at animation while doing what you do is incredible. You are gonna get better the more you do it and I'm excited to see how it all turns out.


I love everything you do, the animations are a nice bonus when we get them.


Glad you're feeling better! The animations feel like a nice bonus. I appreciate them :)


Personally I tend to prefer still images, or sequences, but I'm certainly going to continue supporting you if you decide you want to continue doing animations


I personally prefer the pictures, but I am not opposed to the animations.

A Man Named Jed

I like both and will continue to support you regardless.

Worst Warlock

The pics for sure, the animations are nice but I'd take your renders over them every time when it comes to how much monthly content we get.


Prefer the pics, but do love the animations. Perhaps animations could be an occasional treat - especially if nerd (or toobs) are involved :)


I love your animations! Everything you do is great!

Naransolongo BB

I love both the pics and anims so whichever you focus on is fine for me


Your animations are awesome! I'd love to keep seeing them alongside your rendered pics, so I see them as an added plus for being such a great patron to you!


Your animations are pretty damn good tbh

Mr. Gabit

Animations are good.




Your animations are beautiful! But you should do what you like doing! Get well soon!

Thiccnes Enjoyer

Just draw womans with wide hips thicc thighs in whatever form your like anim or pic I don't care. Take care of your health though.


I actually much prefer the rendered art. But the animations are fantastic!


To put simply, animated stuff is great and so are the pics. However for most I think they had originally come for pics (self included) and were surprised to get more than that. Some pleasantly surprised and others not. I for one like them as the process is entertaining and neat to see. Don't often see how art is made like that in this genre. Except Ranken but thats awkward story.


Overall you do what you do and if animated art is what you want? Most are all for it


I see the animations as a nice addition, some i've not liked that much and some i've absolutley loved! I dont want you to limit yourself in any way but to do what you want to do, thats why I support you. Sure there'll maybe be people that react negatively but thats just life dude.


I like the animations.

Simone Wolfeh

I think for the most part I would prefer a majority of your rendered pieces, as they are utterly gorgeous and so rarely disappoint or underwhelm. I am enjoying the animations thus far, but I think an "every now and again" thing would better suit them. That's just my particular taste however.


I really enjoy the animations!


I like both so maintaining a balance of the two would be nice, but if you want to animate more, go for it


I think there is added value in learning new skills Both your animated and nonanimated work are very good and I enjoy both a lot. I will continue to support which you pursue or both if that is the case It is clear right now you are more comfortable with nonanimated work but if you feel passionate about broadening that horizon I say go for it!


i certainly favor the non-animated content as it's why i decided to start supporting you here. but who can deny the appeal of chunky ladies in motion. you do you i say


The animations you've done so far are amazing! Not many people take the time to add the subtle details like you have. 🥳🥳🥳


I don't mind animation or the pics, hope you're doing ok.


I like the animations but I don't think they should be done too often since they slow everything down a bit I feel


Something like a monthly animation would be cool, in addition to regular pics

Son Gopaul

I love the animations, but in all honesty do what you enjoy. That's what keeps the art top quality!


I joined your patreon because I found your animations, so please keep them up! I also love your belly content in general, but really hoping for some more progressive/expansion stuff if it strikes your fancy.


I'm saying yes to both cause why the hell not!

Susie Evans

I prefer the pics, but animations aren't bad either


The animations have been pretty great so I'm all for seeing more of them. Keep the balance however you want it, I'm here for the long haul with how much I enjoy your stuff. More important is that you don't overwork yourself. So make sure you're getting enough breaks in during a given day.


I think do what works for your workflow. The audience will never be fully happy, so might as well do what draws your attention most atm. Animation takes longer, but then again so do rendered pictures. You can automate pictures as a sort of semi-animated thing (if you want even less free time).

Emi Kasumi

I really like both!!! Rendered pics with alts are really good, but it's also cool seeing you get into animation and I'm excited to see what you could do as you develop that skillset more! So just keep doing whatever you find fun c:

cool dude

I echo other comments here. Take care of yourself first and foremost. You'll never please everyone, so focus on what you enjoy, at a pace and a schedule you can handle. On a more personal note, I love animation. I feel it really brings life to the characters.

Sam Hain

I find the animations to be a nice little bonus. When I first became a patron, it was because I love your art style and subject matter. When you started doing animations, it was a cherry on top. That said, I'd hate to see the non-animated artwork stopper up on its account. All that to say... *shakes magic 8 ball* Unclear at this time; ask again later.

Big Sound Baby

I like seeing both! I think when an artist is enjoying what they’re drawing, it shines through! So if animation is satisfying for you, then do it! I know I’ll love it no matter what!
