Suggest a character! (Sept. 2019) (Patreon)
UPDATE: Hey folks! Last day to drop your suggestion on the form! And yes, on the form, not on the comments. Tomorrow I'll close it and start picking the 5 candicates for September's poll O:
So by now you all neato teato patron folks must have seen the August Character Poll winner pic (Here if you haven't seen it yet). Another month has started and I'm a bit lost about which characters to draw and stuff. So now you guys can suggest some, yea!
So go ahead, click the link, fill the form and your suggestion will be sent.
PLEASE REMEMBER, it's a suggestion, this means your suggestion might not be picked for the poll!
Also there's gonna be some changes starting the month, some things added since WE REACHED ANOTHER HECKING MILESTONE YEA BOIIIIIIIIII
Anyway, that's that.