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hey fellas!

I hope you're doing fine. June came by so quickly for me, it's nuts. Hell, the last 3 months have been a blur. I haven't been able to do more work than I've wanted lately and I feel pretty bad about it. Hopefully, things have stabilized a bit so I can take a breather and resume work.

So what's in store:

  • Currently doing an outline for Lucoa's preg-ression as well as some sketches. I wanna try my hand at some new stuff so bare with me for a bit here. If anything, the ideas I have seem fun in my head as well as in-line with how the characters interact.

  • Speaking of Lucoa, lemme just tap the sign again:


    As well as outfit suggestions. But not as much for those since her spin-off manga gimme plenty of material to look at.

  • Still chipping at the fwoomp animation. I forgot her tail, you guys 😭😭😭...

  • Last, but not less important: I'm opening commissions this wednesday (June 19th). At the moment I'm just gonna open em up only for patrons, just 2 slots since I still have to manage some stuff irl. Tho I do need the funds and you guys have been waiting long enough for it. I'll update the ToS and prices if needed be.

And that's it! I hope y'all had a nice father's day with your father figures, or had a good day for yourselves Patreon dads!

Thanks a lot once more for your patience, this first half of the year has been really awful for me and I feel nothing but guilt for not being able to deliver more stuff for you, fellas. I'm trying my best, as best as I can. Thank you for understanding 🙇‍♂️




You could give her a slingkini that has the colors of her hair with her running her fingers through her hair?


I wish i could link images to this but i have some cool poses that you might like

Bright Spark

I would love something where Lucoa is "stuck" inside something that squishes her belly a tiny bit, and she plays it like she is stuck, but it's implied that she could still easily free herself. (Perhaps a hula hoop, or under a bed or something) Or alternatively, she *does* get stuck, but whatever it is isn't all that sturdy and her next growth spurt breaks her free with no harm done to her.


Maybe reclining in a bath/or lounging in a pool? Either or to get the effect of her belly cresting the water