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We're nearing the end of the month. This will mark the first month my patreon has been live, and its gotten off to a good start! Better than I had hoped, honestly. So I wanted to ask you guys; what do you think of the patreon and its rewards? Do you feel they're substantial enough to keep pledging? Are there any suggestions you have for me? Things you'd like to see going forward? etc.

Please tell me how I'm doing so far!



Personally I really like the stuff you’ve done so far. But I would like to see some more gag variants.


Maybe some long term stuff like a comic or series of pictures that connect into a story?


I like the pictures so far, though something nice would be always have a simple addition variant like adding on vibrators like both Mai-li pictures have, then having minor expression changes, even if something as small as raising/lowering/tilting eyebrows and increasing blush. Making addition variants for best/most popular pictures of the month would also be cool, I suggested a few addition variants for helpless Hinata which so far for the amount of time posted seems to have the most enthusiastic responses.


The stuff you suggest looks good. Maybe add some more contexts to your pics if you want them to feel more substantial. Either with some dialogues or just a description.~


I think you've done an excellent start for a Patreon. The early access and exclusive alts are definitely worth pledging for. Most of the other artists I pledge to take suggestions for who to draw that month. They would comment a character they'd like to see, and then later that month you hold a poll for people to vote on like the Pokemon one you did earlier. A few artists even have a tier dedicated to ocs, where people who pledge on that tier can enter their oc for a pic, and then either hold a poll or a drawing for all the submitted characters. That's an idea if you're looking to make a higher tier for pledging. Good work on the Patreon, I look forward to seeing the content you post here


Thx for your feedback! I actually do plan to have patrons suggest characters for polls. Maybe that can be next months poll theme!


I've been loving everything you've been posting so far, and will keep supporting you for at long as you want to do it!