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49th pack info 

1. I realized that february has only 28 days what is unfair. 

2. I changed devices from intuos to cintiq and I REALLY struggle with pace and accuracy and everything. It's like taking 10 steps back so you could eventually make 10,5 forward

3. That's why I will send you 49th pack tomorrow or in two days (depends on country you live in)  

4. This pack is old/new pack. I'm changing packs a bit. It will have 15 fullbody poses instead of 7 fullbody and 8 halfbody. (you need legs for god's sake) 

and there will be 5 bases instead of 7 but all 5 will also be fullbody, not halfbody as before. 


I changed status from per two weeks, to per month. It means nothing changes except the fact that I will be doing one pack monthly instead of two. You also will be charged for one pack not two. It's not only because lack of time. You are kind of my priority.  But I already made over 2000 poses and I start to have trouble with making more original poses. I prefer to make better quality or add something to existing packs and now I will have more time for it. This change is not permanent but I think it will last like this for at least couple of months. 

It's a better change

Okay I think that is all I wanted to say. I have X and Y chrmosomes so obviously I had to make it long. Woman never stop talking..  Men would put it in two sentences  :(


Chibi Mushroom (Mahasu)

Cool, this looks like it will work out better actually, was missing the legs >:U never skip leg day! Don't know about the others but I'd like more full body poses to half bodies. But don't work yourself to death over it, I'm sure we all understand, good luck!