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Pack 103rd will be all about fighting. It's a december pack and you can pledge to it in november only. 




How-- where can I get the packs? sorry for sounding dumb but I can't find where it says I can get them!


hi, all the info is on the main page, I send paste it for you here:WHEN DO YOU GET YOUR PACK AND WHEN PATREON WILL COLLECT PAYMENTS Patreon always collects money in the begining of each month. I always send out packs in the end of a month. EXAMPLE: You pledged 5$ in MAY, patreon will collect 5$ from you on 1st of JUNE or later (NOT MAY) Once your payment is processed, I see you on the list that is invisible for you. It selects automatically patrons whose payment was processed succesfully and it sends a pack to them in the end of a month. So if you pledged in May you wil get a pack in the end of JUNE If you pledged on 31st may - you will get a pack in june If you pledged on 1st may - You will get a pack in june If you pledged on 1st june - you will get a pack in July. CAN WE GET ACCESS TO YOUR PREVIOUS PACKS Not by patreon, no. Each pack is each pledge, otherwise it would be unfair toward all those people who were pledging for past year. If you are interested in old packs You can order them via Deviantart notes or messaging me here or on my facebook: