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Hello decent people!

As you probably noticed, patreon did not and will not charge you in december. It's because I still am working on 93rd pack - martrial art (thanks a lot for choosing this theme! >:O

 I am constantly late with everything due to the fact I can't refuse to any fatty commission nor part time jobs I recently got a lot of offers. When I was young life was different... I had the energy and never failed any deadline, but then you just.. get old and grumpy, and loose temper and enthusiasm. And you realize you did over a thousand poses and you cant figure out any new because your brain got smaller because youre old (or maybe its alcohol) And  your back sore. And neck. Because...you're old. I have to choose wood for my coffin later. Anyway! I will just continue doing 93rd pack in december and be back in january hopefully. 

Thanks for being with me whole this time

Even though I'm old. 




If you're old i'm Ariana Grande XD And i can confirm you are not grumpy but one of the funniest teachers out there, i've had grumpy teachers, trust me you don't wanna know, but you are nothing alike XD New patron here but i'd say don't worry at all and take a breath once in a while, yes? And for weird poses you should ask in class. You got this :)


And it turned out glorious! Thank you. d-(^.^)z