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I know we had fashion pack but that was for beginners. This one will be more about haute couture and gaining creativity. One of my degree is from fashion design and I wanted to share some tricks, exercises and knownledge I got there.  I finished graphic design too but to be honest,  it never gave me even a half of what I gained from fashion design what I am using to draw cartoons and manga. 

Thinking about past got me melancholic now : (

Nevertheless thank you for your support!



You're welcome and it is a pleasure


Has this one been given out yet? XD;


tomorrow \ o / or the day after tomorrow, depends on where do you live ^^ BTW, I will write it later on, on main page, but there is no possibility on patreon to miss anything, wether it is impossible, to pay and not receive pack. Just sayin, because lately a lot of people are confused.


Ahhh that's cool I had my head buried in a hole for a while at least it feels like it anyhow XD iee can't wait dress is beautiful ;w ;