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Hi guys, 

I am leaving tomorrow to London comic con and I am afraid I will not be able to finish packs on exact time. I have made 3/4 of it but all I can focus now  is departure and it may cause a quality drop. You will get 62nd pack in the early begining of a month. I think the delay will be around 3 days. 

Thank you for your neverending, everlasting patience




Hello, I have still not receive it, a miss or are you still working on it ? Regards


ok, I see it. It seems you were charged in august what means you pledged in july what further means you pledged for 63rd pack because Patreon does not work back, it charges for the next not previous pack. And that 63rd pack will be sent out in the end of a month (august)


So great, thanks a lot.