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BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR!  I know I'm difficult but keep loving me. It will come back to you. Like a giant boomenrang. 

 This is not a pack yet, it's a ticket to it - everyone who see it, will be charged by patreon in january and will receive a pack in the end of january

PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 (I do a lot of ! mark because some of you don't read. HA!)   people choose 3 bodies you would like to see in 58th pack from those above. I will choose those which you wanted most. Please leave your types in a comment bar under this post! 

Guys have no description but it is NOT a rasism! Or feminism! I just didn't have enough time! To be honest I prefer man over woman! It shoudln't sound like that..I like you both. Man more for character, woman for visual look. That also doesn't sound good. Im not professional. Maybe I even am not worth supporting on patreon. But still. You will forgive me because Im an artists, and artists don't have brains but hearts. 

2018 will surely be exiting. 




Callis, Raika, Lutz


Do the packs give us access to previous poses?