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I've lost certain amount of patrons in past three months and I'm not getting new ones due to my social media slow death which happened all of sudden after 16 years of nice track - thanks to fuc*ing ai that just crushed me instantly like a bug. In that case I have to slightly decrease number of poses to 70 (starting from pack 9) and here is why:

When I have certain amount of paid patrons I can let myself to spend lets say a week in month for Patreon content only. But if the earrings goes down I have to take additional commissions to cover that. And I simply am not able to make 100 poses for less then 230 patrons plus have full-time drawing job and make commissions. I know it sounds harsh but I am capable to make x amount of drawings a month. And it turns out I have to make 500 (taking under consideration my other job). honestly.. I have two nerves inflammation all the time, I physically can't do it. Im not twenty anymore, not even thirty! :...((((

So. I will make sure to advertise Patreon better, hope you could also throw an info here and there like: yo, u wanna some boobs? here's a link, or something like that but maybe in better words. And once I have bigger number of folks, I will switch back on into 100 poses. The more patrons I have the more content I can create.

Sorry for that inconvenient situation : /



I am certainly one of your last patrons but I will not stop supporting you, especially in difficult moments. you'll see that everything will go well and you'll have lots of supporters again. in my small way what I could suggest is to republish your old contents together with the new ones. This way you would be able to attract new patrons despite the lower number of poses. I hope it can be of help. And of course fuckAI!!!

Pablo Barrios

I'm sorry it has been a slow month. I'm just a new patron, but I'll try to advertise you.